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what is the weather in your area

Discussion in 'Archive' started by fishy smells, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Quite cloudy, -8 degrees.. a little windy.
  2. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    cloudy and grey, its about to rain
  3. Kichigai

    Kichigai New Member

    Now it's very dark (9:20pm) and it's snowing a little. -6 degrees celcius.
  4. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Sunny. about 30 degrees celcius (damn today is very hot! T_T)
  5. Kichigai

    Kichigai New Member

    It'd be too hot for me...... here it's cloudy and windy, -14 degrees celcius.
  6. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Sunny, -10 degrees celcius, no wind.. ^^ I like this weather.
  7. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    cloudy with casual spit and the here and there drizzle.
  8. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Just too damn hot (dying emote~ (*_*)closest thing to it I guess)
    Stupid Australia... Why can't you be more like Northern Hemisphere countires and be cool :cool:
  9. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    cloudy, maybe it will rain. 24-32 degrees. (Damn why it's still hot!)
  10. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    43 degrees Fahrenheit PM showers. H: 61 L:52
  11. Kichigai

    Kichigai New Member

    Sunny and -15 degrees ceclius in Finland ^^
  12. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Was sunny today. Now it is dark, should have more sunny spells tomorow - London
  13. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Now it's sooo bright, because of that sun is shining and there's a lot of snow.. -5 degrees celcius.
  14. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    it was an amazing day today, it looked like spring. The sun was shining and it was nice and warm =D
  15. Kichigai

    Kichigai New Member

    Today was cold, -18 degrees celcius.. it was also quite windy D:
  16. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    flurry/wind H: 31 L:29
  17. Omega

    Omega New Member

    it's nightime and the skies are clear ^_^
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    34 degrees farenheit cloudy skies, cool
  19. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    cloudy grey dull sky, no rain and gentle winds in a north easternly direction
  20. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Nice weather, sunny, no wind.. -10 degrees celcius. ^^

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