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What is your favorite Super Smash Bros. Brawl character?

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by annyssrr, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. IcecreamLink

    IcecreamLink Banned

    you think that because you don't know Toon Link's secrets.;)

    Toon Link kills Zelda!!
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD Let's take a vote: Who really have a advantage?

    Zelda/Sheik or the toony Toon Link? ZELDA GETS MY VOTE!! XD
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Toon Link.

    But as I said before, it depends on who is controlling who. Zelda is powerful when used properly, and so is Toon Link. It just requires skill.
  4. IcecreamLink

    IcecreamLink Banned

    T-O-O-N L-I-N-K......it says Toon Link!!!

    and by the way,I I use Zelda too!;)

    and what desert warrior says.....it depends....
  5. mitsukaiwolf

    mitsukaiwolf New Member

    I would have to say either Sonic or Link
  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I'm either Meta or Lucario. Meta because I'm a kirby fan, and Lucario just because he's badass. Truth be told, metaknight is badass too, but that's a different story.
  7. IcecreamLink

    IcecreamLink Banned

    awww....no Toon Link........but he's sooooo cute!
  8. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    my fav is the small (yet totally broken and badass) META KNIGHT. (and hey, Toon Link is pretty kewl too ^^)
  9. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Meta is noobie and spammy.

    Marth, Zelda(NOT SHEIK), Zerosuit, Pikachu
  10. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Toon Link is pretty amazing. I use him a lot, coming from a huge fan of the series. I also use Zelda, but Link would dominate her.
  11. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    lol that's why he's my favorite (minus the newbie unless you suck with him)
  12. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I love Super Smash Brothers Brawl!!... I've been playing out that series since the dawn of time on the Nintendo, and now it's for wii XD... I've always used the same character throughout it all I mean it's cute can attack people with Thunderbolts and can run so fast when you use agility... Yes, I'm talking about Pikachu :3... She's the cutest little thing and is very handy... I always beat my friends with her, and probably will always use that one XD... I once tried Link but that was a horrible mistake his moves are nothing like Pikachu and it made it very complicated since I've used Pikachu since I was 3, it was for sure not a good change >.>... I've learned my lesson now and stick to Pikachu and only Pikachu XD
  13. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    fox's may name and flying is my game
  14. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    my favorite is Link cause i'm a huge Zelda fan.

    but my best are Olimar and Kirby
  15. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Link and Ike are my best,both of them and Sonic and Zero Suit Samus are my favs though
  16. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Hmm....my favorite character as always is pikachu, he's been in every single super smash game and i pwn with him!
  17. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    Highest favorite:Ike
  18. GuitarLegend

    GuitarLegend New Member

    Sonic, i always use sonic all the time XD
  19. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    Zelda, Kirby, Ike
  20. Josh Homme

    Josh Homme New Member

    Yoshie has been my favorite since the first game. I'm also pretty fond of Fox, and Marth. I honestly hate all the new additions in Brawl.

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