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What makes you like an RPG game the most?

Discussion in 'General RPGs' started by LatiJediLukeAndLeia, Aug 10, 2010.

  1. Raven

    Raven New Member

    Story. Story and characters. I cannot stress this enough in my RPG games. I want a plausible plot set in a fantasy realm. Yes, I know that already doesn't make much sense, but let me explain. I can't get into a story where one second I'm forced to deliver a parcel and the next moment it turns out that parcel was a container for a dark evil, and the messenger up and decides that it was all his fault and goes on an adventure. It might work, depending on how it's presented, but for the most part it won't work for me. I want some realistic interaction between the character and what is occurring around them.

    I also love a great set of characters that all work together greatly. I mean it, that's usually what makes or breaks a game for me. They all have to have a use in the team otherwise, I'll dislike the person for being useless, when it's clearly not that character's fault. Final Fantasy XII had that flaw, where only most of the characters actually a use. Some just tagged along for laughs.
  2. Contra_King

    Contra_King New Member

    Story is a big thing for me, just becuase it is important in a RPG.
    But Character development, I LOVE when a character learns something about him/her-self during the course of the game, It makes me enjoy them even more.
  3. The Story is very important. Because to me the story makes the game, if the game has no story there is no point of playing this game. And you should be able to get into the story if it's good. And i believe that you should learn something throughout the story and the characters.
  4. EverlastingOblivion

    EverlastingOblivion New Member

    A very well thought out story, lots and lots of depth and plenty of plot twisting. Wonderful music (as you find in most square rpgs). ^^ I like turned based but love it when games use it and make a unique battle system. Not just click the command like early ones. Enjoyable characters you can really connect to. Also non linear and well paced. Challenge can be anything really.
  5. I agree what you said. Square has some of the best video game music to me:)
  6. Fresh Sage

    Fresh Sage Member

    Gameplay and story.

    /Uses black magic on you
    /It effects him!
    /Enemy melts in pool of organs.
  7. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Story and characters definitely. Gameplay does play a part, but I find myself more attached to an RPG if there are a few characters who I think are awesome or if there's a gripping story :).
  8. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Art Style.
    Battle System.
    Pretty simple.

    I'm easy to please.
  9. YaminoHikari14

    YaminoHikari14 New Member

    Battle style the storyline graphics/art style thats about it
  10. kajali

    kajali New Member

    Last edited: Dec 29, 2011
  11. Fresh Sage

    Fresh Sage Member

    I also have a thang for Upgrades.
  12. Suriel

    Suriel New Member

    Storyline and Gameplay. But, what I like the most about an RPG is the way you grow attached to some of the characters and their dilemmas.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2011
  13. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I think your personal influences are what really makes a RPG fun!

    One decision will effect another. Basically, infinite amount of possibilities.
  14. Disney Guardian

    Disney Guardian New Member

    I like a good story line with a nice plot to it. Also if you get to a part you can't beat, you can just level up, which makes the game so much easier. lol
  15. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    storyline/characters/and their background

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