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What was the last movie you watched?

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by EbeneezerAl, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Jumper. I'm really inclined to read the book this is based off of. Maybe then i can make sense of just what the heck I just watched. I intend to do the same thing with I Am Legend.
  2. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    Leaves of Grass. Don't think I'd actually recommend it to anyone unless you're actually a big Edward Norton fan
  3. Fresh Sage

    Fresh Sage Member

    Friday the 13th
  4. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Captain America
  5. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    I just watched No Strings Attached. Love Natalie Portman
  6. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Summer Wars: as of right now, it's my favorite anime movie.
  7. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    again is twilight breaking dawn part 1
  8. YaminoHikari14

    YaminoHikari14 New Member

    Avatar a breathtaking film going to try and get the book for it soon anyone know where to find a copy?
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Clueless: Had a random urge to give this a rent. It's still pretty awesome, though I was caught between being a little thrown off by the 90s-centric teen speak and being really amused by it, seeing as how I was about 9 or so when this came out and I remember my friends and I being all "Whatever!" and making the "W" with our hands and shit. Makes me feel really old now.

    Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows: How much love do I have for this movie? Epic bromance was epic. Plot was even better than in the first (and usually I don't think this with sequels). Can't gush enough about this.
  10. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    The only qualm I had with Game of Shadows is that it seemed a little too gimmicky with that one dragged out slow motion scene. Otherwise, that had some beautiful cinematography, plot, and EXTREMELY well-written dialogue.

    Anyway, watched The Prestige earlier
  11. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2... awesome
  12. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Enchanted, it was interesting and obviously predictable.
  13. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I agree with you about all of this. I was actually a little worried before I saw it because the trailer I'd seen reused almost exact lines from the first movie and I was afraid the entire movie would be like that- a pointless rehash, but luckily that wasn't the case. And I loved how this time the movie really took the time to show the audience the little details that Holmes was noticing. And Mycroft! And chess! Could not recommend this enough.

    Hmm, I watched The Incredibles with my nephew. Seriously, why hasn't there been a sequel to this yet? Get with the program here, Disney/Pixar! If you can make a really crappy Cars sequel, surely this can happen.
  14. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    I watched Hellboy earlier. Not a bad movie but not necessarily a great movie.
  15. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1
  16. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    Super 8. It was pretty solid.
  17. YaminoHikari14

    YaminoHikari14 New Member

    I haven't seen that yet I plan on buying it would you say it's worth it?
    Klay World Off The Table you get internet high five and internet cookie if you know what it is :)
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2012
  18. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    i was watching hellboy
  19. Key King

    Key King Member

    The Lord of the Rings prequel: "The Hunt for Gollum"

    I positively LOVE Lord of the Rings, and when I saw this, I nearly died. It was awful. None of the characters were the same (not even Gollum)! Aragorn has always been my favorite, and they replaced him with this short little dude, who didn't look or sound like the real Aragorn. The Gandalf replacement looked like a sort of twisted Sauruman, and Gollum's voice sucked. The action scenes were AWFUL, and time passed extremely quickly. All the fighting scenes were very gross, and i skipped through them. Sorry LotR, but you REALLY messed up this time. -5/10
  20. YaminoHikari14

    YaminoHikari14 New Member

    Oceans 11, Oceans 12 and Oceans 13

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