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What's ur favorite music in KH2?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Roxotho, Jan 31, 2009.

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  1. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Okay, if i'm not crazy, but there should be somebody, somebody who likes MICKEY MOUSE CLUB MARCH! XD


    LOL, what is going on with me?
  2. Technostriker

    Technostriker New Member

    ooh, gotta be dearly beloved by far. i love yoko's original but i do think the reprise in kh II in the end (by shinko Ogata) is so peaceful.

    otherwords roxas's theme and missing you. those are my faves.
  3. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Hey, could you do the remix song of Mickey Mouse March Song? Since my ears don't mix well with it.
  4. Technostriker

    Technostriker New Member

    haha, i actually started working on one. lol. maybe i'll keep working on it some more.
  5. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    my fav definately has to be the opening theme, Sanctuary. i've actually gone and downloaded it.
  6. k..kid..h

    k..kid..h New Member

    My fav music in KH2 is of course...
    TADAAAA...cavern of remebrance...
    it's the best music EVER...
    it makes me feel of something weird LOL
  7. Technostriker

    Technostriker New Member

    i like sanctuary, but i'm a much bigger fan of simple and clean. there's another song i should remix. hahah
  8. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    mm....there's a ton of songs i like. for battle themes i liked the Thirteenth Struggle. i guess my favorite overall is Sanctuary though
  9. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    My favorite songs is Roxas theme how i's played makes m sad but it's awesome 13h struggle of course :D
    Silver the Mickey Mouse one is Cute! ^_^
  10. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Sunset Horizons
    I get a tingle up my spine just listening to that >.<
    (or maybe it's because I'm cold... Nevertheless, I love the eeriness it casts at me)

    And Mickey Mouse March is way cool, Only because it was in Full Metal Jacket =P
  11. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    My favorite Music is: Sanctuary, Sora's theme, 13'th struggle, Vim and Vigor, One Winged Angel, Friends in my heart, and Tension rising.
  12. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    Edit: sorry, this stupid lag did it..>_<
  13. RoxasxKairi

    RoxasxKairi New Member

    The 13th Reflection
    The Corrupted

    I posted here a couple times but I like these too. x]
  14. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    My favourite music from Kingdom Hearts II would have to be "Laughter and Merriment" ^^... It's the background music from when you go and talk to Santa Claus in his workshop in Christmas Town!!... I find it's so happy and cheery and can always bring a smile to my face =D... Makes me think of Christmas time
    I also liked the music "Twinkle in the Night", it's the music that plays when you're on your gummi ship.. It sounds so peaceful and so pretty... And I get why it's called Twinkle in the Night XD... It's because it does kind of remind you of stars and it makes a tinkling noise throughout it :3
  15. medo

    medo New Member

    well!! i don't know what's the name of the song that i like it ,but i think its name is "1000 Heartless Battle"
  16. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Sinister Shadows ^^
    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts II Music - Sinister Shadows
    It sounds quite "War" like. A very nice sound for that battle.
  17. medo

    medo New Member

    thanks I'll try to remaber that
  18. KH_Fangirl_75

    KH_Fangirl_75 New Member

    The Other Promise
    Friends In My Heart
    Sinister Shadows
    Dance to Death
    Waltz of the Diamond
    Also, Kairi's theme in KH2
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  19. sora riku mickey

    sora riku mickey New Member

    i like that 1 in that world that has that tune XD

    nah i like that music in atlantic the whole play thing they did
  20. Oozaru

    Oozaru New Member

    Dearly Beloved ~ reprise.
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