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What's your favourite RPG other than Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts

Discussion in 'General RPGs' started by Ventus, Jul 17, 2008.

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  1. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    blade's list (in order):
    The World Ends With You, Disgaea, Super Mario Sunshine (oldy but goody), Legend of Zelda: TP, Rune Factory, and Pokemon (don't know why)
  2. Arnheln

    Arnheln New Member

    I enjoy playing Vagrant Story, Secret of Mana, Pokemon, Golden Sun, Suikoden (Suikoden Tierkreis is amazing - not quite as amazing as the original PSX games though), Dragon Quest, Breath of Fire, Guardians Crusade, Disgaea, Luminous Arc, Shin Megami Tensei, Knights in the Nightmare, Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, Front Mission, Etrian Odyssey, Chrono Trigger and many MANY more.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2009
  3. I never really understood Suikoden but Harvest Moon is a good game.
  4. Ramza_21

    Ramza_21 Banned

    chrono trigger.
  5. Arnheln

    Arnheln New Member

    What's not to understand? The Suikoden games are lengthy games with a good plot and a ton of characters to choose from. I love it.

    Harvest Moon IS a good game. Harvest Moon: Sunshine Island is coming out in a month or two, it's basically Islad of Happiness but the main islands been split up into lots of little islands. It's also got a lot more to do, artifacts and treasure to discover, as well as new potential brides. It looks gooooood.
  6. Well, I'm not saying that I don't like it, all i'm saying is is that it sort of made me feel "chunky" when I was fighting y'know. Harvest Moon is like Animal Crossing for me. I get to do repetitive things tht don't interest me, but-- . . . I just love it so much! It's pretty hard to explain.
  7. Arnheln

    Arnheln New Member

    I know what you mean. You keep doing the same. boring, tedious things over and over, day in, day out, in the hope that you'll get a reward at the end. Both Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon are easy to play but you need to put in a lot of hard work and hours in order to gain anything.
  8. If Dissidia: Final Fantasy counts as an RPG then I'll call out that one. Bringing up your point on hard work and reaping big rewards is definitly a good call when it comes to Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
  9. machinix

    machinix New Member

    i must say Legend of Zelda A Link To The Past, had me hooked until the end.

    i do say that i threw that piece of !@$#@ GBA at the wall soo many time for
    some reason. i believe i died to much. But still i love Zelda! so yeh.
  10. Shrooms

    Shrooms New Member

    Megaman X .
    God I loved that game :3
  11. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel Banned

    Mass Effect and Fallout 3
  12. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    Tales of symphonia, paper mario, megaman starforce, and pokemon.
  13. Sirius-En

    Sirius-En New Member

    Pokemon, definitely. XD
  14. Misty

    Misty New Member

    Knights of the Old Republic series. :3
  15. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    um my fav is like ff, and pokemon, and an olide i forgot of, they where like in a olden days with knights.
  16. leapyear29

    leapyear29 New Member

    i'm big on RPG's and i loved FF8, Mainly for the characters and the setting it had. the story was good too but towards the end it was based a lot more on romance..:)
  17. Trexsaj

    Trexsaj New Member

    Rogue galaxy is my favorite I even did a cosplay from it.
  18. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    I would also have to add Megaman Battle network.
    Greatest megaman Rpg ever.
    Though doesn't beat the original megaman.
  19. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    This thread is really freaking old. Guys, read the rules- I didn't post them everywhere for my health.

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