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Where are you from?

Discussion in 'General' started by Rakka, Jun 2, 2007.

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  1. xrawrxmassacre

    xrawrxmassacre New Member

    pennsylvania such a boring state :[
  2. Twin in Shroud

    Twin in Shroud New Member

    Indiana, it's okay i guess
  3. Kairi008

    Kairi008 New Member

    Massachusetts, yahh kinda boring.
  4. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Don't talk about boring if you live in America.....
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Well honestly, it depends on where you live in America.
  6. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    PA is not boring. Which part you live at?

    Philadelphia is the best city in PA!

    Or you can go visit the Amish in Lancaster! I hear shopping over there is really cheap.

    Or you can go to Limerick, great Philadelphia Outlet!

    Hang out at 6th and 7th Street in South Philly, for a more Asian feel!

    Dance the night away at South Street.

    Go shopping at the gallery.

    Visit Hershey Park or Dorney Park! Or better yet go ice skiing in the Poconos or swimming!
  7. rencoinfreak

    rencoinfreak Banned

    Does anyone else live in Missouri? '_'
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    My grandparents do.
  9. xrawrxmassacre

    xrawrxmassacre New Member

    um i live on the WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE other side of pennsylvania. that's hours from where i live. i live near pittsburgh
  10. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Wow. Well I never visit the other side of PA. Never got pass Allentown, hehehe... Well Penn State is around or you can do some ghost hunting to pass the time!
  11. xrawrxmassacre

    xrawrxmassacre New Member

    hehe i wish.

    i have so many friends that live on the other side of PA ugh T_T it makes me cry
  12. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Well you need a road trip. I love Philly!
  13. un BLE vble

    un BLE vble New Member

    lol, i'm really familiar with all those places you mentioned in ur previous post Yukou.


    and don't forget about chinatown. the food there rocks! better than san francisco's in my opinion!
  14. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Yeah... but I think that wherever you live in America, if you would come here, you would die because of boring.... I've always wanted to visit America... The big "world" beyond Atlantic Ocean. Lol. :'D
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