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Which Senario Will You Play As?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by DjC, Nov 29, 2007.

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  1. AquaKh-3

    AquaKh-3 New Member

    I agree! They should start calling her Aqua because that's her name!:D
  2. Venhot2

    Venhot2 New Member

    i`d say ven also want to learn more about him and why he lookslike roxas
  3. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Im playing as:

    1. Aqua (to get it out of the way)
    2. Terra (he seems cool, and I like his keyblade)
    3. Ven (saving the best for last)
  4. rockerblade13

    rockerblade13 New Member

    [​IMG][/IMG]I wanna play as all of them,you know,to learn about their new moves and stuff.
  5. rockerblade13

    rockerblade13 New Member

    I am getting it for PSP,by the way.xD
  6. rockerblade13

    rockerblade13 New Member

    I wanna play as all of them,to learn their moves and stuff.I heard theres Fatal Mode,and new summons...:)
  7. soraking200

    soraking200 New Member

    same here i rather get it for the psp then get it for eney thing else, so playing as ven is what i'm looking forword to in this game.
  8. rockerblade13

    rockerblade13 New Member

    I'd play was Ven,Terra,then Aqua.I want to know why Ven somehow looks like Roxas,and why Terra has a 'hate' towards Xehanort...and as for Aqua,well,I just want to know her background..not much info is on Aqua.
  9. Ruxath

    Ruxath New Member

    I think I am going to start with Aqua, because there is so little information on her thus far and I am curious. After that I will most likely play Terra, and then Ven as I think I heard that they will expand on one anothers stories when played one after another or something along those lines.
  10. darkside

    darkside New Member

    I will probably start as aqua (because its killing me not knowing anything about her), then Ven, and probably Terra because he seems like the leader, or the thing that connects everybody. But this could change depending on Aquas story.
  11. Tifa

    Tifa New Member

    I'll probably start as Ven, I would like to know why he looks so much like Roxas.
  12. DawnEssence

    DawnEssence New Member

    This Is mi 1st post on this site and im new...SO......Just wanna introduce mislef..(im Betwixt&Betw33nX on Khinsider)

    But anyway 4 the 3 scenarios..id like 2 b able 2 play as Terra, Ven(obviously these 2 r gonna be playable) and MX(master Xehanort)....

    I think MX will b the 3rd becuz Birth by sleep is supposed 2 Show(as Nomura stated..the true Enemy of the KH universe) and i think that would b MX/ Xehanort mainly becuz hes been the Villian in every KH game realeased so Far. (except in different forms)

    So i think its Safe 2 say that MX/ Xehanort (or whoever he really is) would show up as a Playable character in BBS (instead of Aqua who doenst seem 2 have much of a Story at this point)

    I also beleive that Aquas story will be more covered in 358 days over 2. I think that Aqua or some form/part/or someone related 2 her is the Orgs. 14th member. That leads me 2 what i think 358/2 means...But im gonna make a new thread 4 that..so i wont get of on another subject......
  13. Nani

    Nani New Member

    I'd like to play as Aqua, to see if they can make a female character strong
  14. Ultima Scorpio

    Ultima Scorpio New Member

    Aqua, hands down.

    We need to play as a girl for once.
  15. Twilight Knight

    Twilight Knight New Member

    Terra because in the trailer he seems to turn dark when his eyes change color so I want to know what happens. Also does anyone know if it comes out in america because I heard a rumor that it will only be in japan.
  16. Xehanort_Riku

    Xehanort_Riku New Member

    I would wann play as terra he looks pretty kool

    btw is this gmae for psp or DS
  17. Riku6979

    Riku6979 New Member

    ima play all 3
  18. Nagori

    Nagori New Member

  19. antisorastwin

    antisorastwin New Member

    I think im going to play all three of them because i want to know how all of there storys end up and its good to have a choice of characters for once..
  20. Luke

    Luke Member

    You realize that bbs is set 10 years before KH and Aqua is about 15/16 there so you would have to add 10 years. she would be around 25/26. the 14th org member looked 16 at the most.
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