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Which was the worst time Anti-form caught you?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by DarkDust, Sep 6, 2009.

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  1. Well Anti Form happens everytime you go into a Drive Form. You get "Anti Points" until it narrows out to about more than 5 or something like that. Also, if you're locked onto an enemy, your chances go up even more.
  2. Riku1996

    Riku1996 New Member

    I got tha anti form while fighting Xaldin.
  3. Sunnyxx

    Sunnyxx New Member

    I don't really tend to use the drive forms... hehe. I level them up though for the cool abilities you get, like the high jump. :D
  4. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    I rarely ever got anti-form myself,though probably the only real letdwon was when I got it fighting the Experiment.Beat it,no exp from it...sucks,but oh well.Nothin bad comes from anti-form from me,I would LOVE it if I gor exp while using it.
  5. Adam

    Adam New Member

    Anti-form is an awesome form to play and mess with but it really sucks when you just happen to transform in a middle of a boss battle.

    Fighting Xaldin would be the worst time anti-form caught me. I couldn't touch him. =/
  6. KexanXV

    KexanXV New Member

    My worst time anti-form happened was when I was fighting the Hydra because I couldn't cut off his head with the Reaction Command in Anti-Form so I had to wait till Anti-Form reverted.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  7. DarkDust

    DarkDust New Member

    Yeah it really sucks the fact that the anti-form uses up all the drive gauges and you can't revert it during battle... >.<
  8. KexanXV

    KexanXV New Member

    Plus the worst thing was that it happened twice in one battle so I got angry >,<
  9. Camdy

    Camdy New Member

    Raah! Just yesterday, actually, I was finally going to beat Demyx! After weeks of trying, there was only one lil' life bar left, and then, exactly at the same time as 10 forms appeared, he changed into anti-form. Yeah, I believe I have some kind of an Demyx-curse. 101 ways to mess up Demyx-fight, I`m pretty much starting to be familiar with all of them...
  10. fishy smells

    fishy smells Member

    I got Anti Form when I fought Saïx, lol he's hard to kill in the first place! Also, I hacked KH2 so I could infinite drive, but I turned into Anti Form while fighting Oogie Boogie, lol I had to restart the game too! I could not fling his presents up to him, either! I was stuck!!!
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2009
  11. Sorikairi

    Sorikairi New Member

    I got it when fighting sephiroth when he was down to one bar of health :'(
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