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Who is your Favorite Protagonist?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by iAqua, Oct 2, 2010.

Who is Your Favorite Protagonist?

  1. Terra

  2. Ventus

  3. Aqua

  1. TumblerMasterClae

    TumblerMasterClae New Member

    I voted Terra.

    I like his style of fighting; get in, hit hard, get out. I also like how he combines Earth powers and Dark powers in his fighting. I have found that even though his hits are slow, they hit hard enough to compensate for it.

    I also like how he feels a need to be powerful in his own way, yet finds strengths in his friends.
  2. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    true true...but what about that is what draws people to them?
  3. Wumal

    Wumal New Member

    I chose Terra because of his strength.
  4. Anniexo

    Anniexo New Member

    I'd have to say Aqua.
  5. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    Of course Im going with Ventus!

    His attacks are fast and they're strong well not as much as Terra's but there somewhere In the middle of weak and strong, Oh and he and Roxas look the same so I'll just say that they're both cute! XD... Aqua's attacks are weak but they are fast! and like Tumbler said Terra's attacks are slow but strong! So yeah ya'll now know why I like Ventus more than the others! lol
    Terra would so be my second favorite protagonist!
  6. SoRoxas

    SoRoxas New Member

    Master Eraqus is the best
  7. Glitch

    Glitch New Member

    Ventus for sure !

    Ventus play style is great overall style more then aquas and terras because its really fast !
    he can kill monsters in a split second
  8. miscellaneous2711

    miscellaneous2711 New Member

    I truly liked aquas style and technique. Being able to use barrier was obviously a plus and most people don't seem to include the final chapter as part of her storyline as hers was even designed to play last. So a lot of people think her story is filled with monotony. Though she was sexy her outfit was border line illegal for a disney game and I even think it went through some revisions
  9. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    Thats something else I love about him
  10. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    .I named myself after a fusion of Ven and Vanitas, isn't it obvious? Ven, for all of the reasons stated above.
  11. ImmaRikuOfficial

    ImmaRikuOfficial New Member

    Aqua, she's so hot!
  12. fishy smells

    fishy smells Member

    Terra, because my personality is like his: Kind yet with a clouded heart.
  13. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    Aqua because she felt more balanced out than the others, otherwise I would go with Ventus. I really didn't care that much for Terra sadly :(
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I love Aqua the more. I used her against my cousin and I kept on defeating him... XD But in reality, my cousin's Ventus is level 3.
  15. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    lol thats funny hey cousin want to battle me again?

    But I'm only at level 3

    Don't worry I won't lose XD to bad none of my friends have a PSP, so I never got to do those fun battles with other people.
  16. Treston_Kole

    Treston_Kole New Member

    Ventus kills everyone. Ven was the youngest but he was the coolest too. No one could stop him. He dove straight at Vanitas, knowing that it would likely lead to something dangerous.
  17. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    I say ventus here. I enjoyed Terra's storyline the most but when it comest to overall preference, it goes to ventus. For his fighting style, and his method of travel. (Airboards are badass. Ya gotta admit.) And his profound impact on Sora's future was the beginning of it all.
  18. RealmoftheDragons

    RealmoftheDragons New Member

    Hmm...I like all three of them! I can't decide!

    Ventus is pretty cool because of how he holds his Keyblade backhand, and that must be pretty hard to do, especially since he's younger than the others. Though he's pretty naive because he's young, he's like Sora, willing to set off on any adventure, for his friends. I like his hair, too, it's like a blond shark fin!

    Aqua, I like because she's the smart one of the three! Though a little bit nosey if you look at it, she's very kind and always willing to help out, whether a friend or a stranger. She can also tell the difference between rght and wrong in an instant, which makes her smart.

    Terra was a good because he was kinda like that 'cool older brother character' but even better! He went with against his powers, he couldn't control them, though, which I thought made for a nice character, which it did, though I did make fun of him a bit when I first got the game, I like him allot better now that I see his entire story.

    Well, there you go! That's what I think about the three main protagonists of KH:BBS!
  19. RoxVen

    RoxVen New Member

    Ventus is my favorite protagonist ;)

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