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Who owned you?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by Master Gilgamesh, Jun 6, 2009.

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  1. soldediamantes

    soldediamantes New Member

    Quite a few people. :( This was when I was a newbie, though. I remember Cerberus being a pain, especially at such a low level (hence is why I now decide to tackle Wonderland and Deep Jungle before going to Olympus Coliseum), and it took me a lot of patience to defeat him. Then there was that invisible lizard thing (I forgot its name) but that was only on Expert mode. Hmmm. Of course, every time I tried to defeat Sephiroth, I got nowhere. Being level 40 with the Jungle King didn't help, either, so I waited until I was level 100 with the Ultima Weapon and a LOT of elixers before I challenged him. He was still a pain. After that, probably Kurt Zisa. I swear I could have strangled that thing! Then I worked out what I had to do. Phantom was a little easier -- I just had problems realising I had to stop the clock. xD
  2. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    The chameleon owned me -_-
  3. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    I remember another pain.The two black Stealth Sneaks in the Coliseum Hades cub near the end,4th to last I believe.Those things can aim well...It sucked!
  4. soldediamantes

    soldediamantes New Member

    Ah, that's its name! Stealth Sneak! Makes sense, since it is both stealthy (though in an unstealhy way? Being invisible yet people knowing you're there due to the fact you're attacking people like a dog with rabies is hardly incognito.) and it is very, very sneaky. The two black Stealth Sneaks were okay for me. I suppose it is thus because I was at a higher level.
  5. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Or maybe I just suck at dodging?Heh,probably.ANother annoying,though ot owning annoying,one was the Ice titan.It freaked me out when I used Aero and its Ice get really big and went right through it,but otherwise it wasnt tough.

    Hmm,who else was owned me at first?...You know,I think Trickmaster owned me on the frst fight,but was easy afer that.
  6. soldediamantes

    soldediamantes New Member

    I suck at dodging Stealth Sneak, too. I just do the n00b thing and mash the X button. Ah yes, Ice Titan. I'd actually forgotten of that one. Now, that DID annoy me. It wasn't too hard but it took a few goes until I got it figured out, and then it was cake. I found Trickmaster strangely easy, to say the truth. I just remember hitting it on the feet or something and then dodging its baton-like things. I'm currently replaying Kingdom Hearts and I have to admit, it was more annoying this time around. Its legs scare me. :(
  7. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Yea,well,he waited till you shrank,the coward.If I am correct he is actually only 4 feet tall.Stupid shrink potion.

    ANother one I remember,the devil lke heartless near the end.Tehy owned me on my first fight against them in mass.They had three of the flame rings on me,I hadnt learned to dodge them properly yet,all hit,then a couple more hits and I died.Sucked alot.Owned them the next time around though.
  8. soldediamantes

    soldediamantes New Member

    Ah, yes. I did find that quite cowardly of him. Though I suppose it's the way of the Heartless. Bullies on the outside, cowards on the inside. When he set fire to his baton-type things, that highly annoyed me. Perhaps a Blizzard spell would have worked. I'm not too sure. Did I even have Blizzard at that point? My memory fails me. As for the "devil-like" Heartless, I think you mean the Invisibles? They flew in the air and had a sword with three tier-type things. I was okay with those. The Angelstars annoyed me more.
  9. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Yes,that is the name.It escaped me for a minute.The Angels were only annoying when they got too high.Blocking their electric attack provided good tech exp.

    As for Blizzard,there are two ways to get it,so you might have.The first was finding all four boxes of evidence.The other was beating Trickmaster.
  10. soldediamantes

    soldediamantes New Member

    I think the Angelstars annoyed me because of their magic, they flew so high, and also because they protected themselves with their wings. I'm sure they might have done other things but I can't seem to remember at the present moment. Thank you for reminding me how to get Blizzard. In that case, then yes---I did have it. I found all four pieces of evidence. I'm sorry if I don't seem talkative, but I am ever so tired. Actually, having said that, I'm going to retire for the night and return tomorrow, to see what mayhem I can cause! :) Good night!
  11. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    angels stars were one of the more...annoying (to say the least) enemies to defeat. the gale they used were...graah. but boss wise cerberus is best tackled when you have cure. cure helps, wouldn't you all agree?
  12. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Yes,but potions help.Also,the fireballs could be shot back at him,so he wasnt too bad
  13. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    the hardest for me at first was the lizard, seperhioth, the phantom, and the guy in Kurts Zisa, ice titan, and Anseum. his fist form with the Heartless with a shield then they big ship thing was easy kinda.
  14. Oozaru

    Oozaru New Member

    The Phantom, I hated that doom attack he casted all the time. I wasted like 10 elixirs fighting him.
  15. SacredRiku

    SacredRiku New Member

    I'm sure most people got stuck with Kurt Zisa, Phantom or Sephiroth. My answer are those three as well.
  16. Oozaru

    Oozaru New Member

    If I had to pick one of the bosses you had to fight I would say Opposite Armor.
  17. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    My first time playing through the game I got owned by Clayton and the lizard thing >.>... I still always have a hard time with that battle to this day (I know sad but true v.v)... It's the way on how you have to hit the lizard so many times and then Clayton gets off and starts shooting you while healing himself... It took me 4 tries to beat him my first time >.<... At first I had a hard time with that Lizard because it shoots those bullet things out of his eyes, and then I had a hard time trying to get Clayton without him healing himself =[... I remember now to always level up before I go to face him ^^
  18. GuitarLegend

    GuitarLegend New Member

    its really only that and Sephiroth i have trouble with, and it doesnt help he is bleedin epic!

    Im great at games (not bragging, its ust how i feel) and i have not had any troubles in that game.
  19. sora riku mickey

    sora riku mickey New Member

    that card dude i could gt him XD
  20. KH_Fangirl_75

    KH_Fangirl_75 New Member

    You mean Luxord? I had a hard time with Kurt Zisa and Sephiroth. HIS SWORD IS SO LONG AND HE HAS SO MUCH HP!!!!!!!! *starts foaming at the mouth with anger*
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