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Who was your favoortie Organization member?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days' started by Remedy, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Xemnas, Saix, Xion and Axel ^^

    Xion's cute, but she's kind of out of place which makes me made that she wasted =.=
    I luv Xemnas, and Saix the most >w<
    and Axel.....>///< need I say more!
  2. Castille

    Castille New Member

    I liked Larxene for her bitchy attitude, and Luxord because he looked sharp.

    Although Saix wasn't a bad character either...Oh, and Xion of course.
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Roxas, he wields the keyblade and is Sora's nobody. How much better can you get?

    But..since I cant pick him.
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Roxas, he wields the keyblade and is Sora's nobody. How much better can you get?

    But..since I cant pick him.
  5. the Harmless

    the Harmless New Member

    Saix. because he's the right hand of The Superior and the only organization member in the game that you get to fight. . .:D
  6. CrazyRoxasFanGirl

    CrazyRoxasFanGirl New Member

    Me: oh, my dearest Roxypoo, don't think I've deserted you.....
    Roxas: Never! <3
    Me: then I have to say my next favorite would be, *sigh* Marluxia!
    Roxas: *sobs* what does he have that I dont?!?!?!
    Axel(appearing out of nowhere): pink hair.
    Roxas: *runs away*
    Me: NO!! Roxy wait!!!! DX
    Roxas: I'm back, do you love me now?
    Me: Roxas, what he fudge did you to do your hair?!?!?!

    Zol, do you SEE the trouble you've caused becauseI can't say Roxas????
  7. FallingStar

    FallingStar New Member

    Marluxia :D
  8. Bixarihm

    Bixarihm New Member

    \HeyHey .... Saix,Demyx,Marluxia,Axel,Xemnas. o.o I just LOVE THEM i meanReally love them ,, mhmm im weird lmao ! hell|! i dont care .. Aint my fault i fall in Love with fictional Characters ...
    -Grins- ;D ,,, T.c :3 Enjoy < 3
  9. anime_kris

    anime_kris New Member

    roxas i like
  10. xemnas9898

    xemnas9898 New Member

    marluxia and xigbar
  11. Noir


    Marluxia and Saix. They all got cool faces and hairs, also attacks.
  12. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    SaiSai and Xeh Xeh ^^ But fi I had to choose one person to hang out with it would be Demyx cause our personlities match ^^
  13. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Xiggie,, Axel, Demy, Larxy, Marly, and Roxas. I'd have to choose Marluxia, though. I would choose Axel, but I can't. TTwTT
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2011
  14. Xehanort

    Xehanort New Member

    I like Xemnas, Luxord and Xaldin.
  15. Death Note

    Death Note New Member

    Xemnas, Marluxia and Saix for me.
  16. Reckutx

    Reckutx New Member

    Me. im not in the game but i am a member. i am Reckutx No.XV
  17. Retrace

    Retrace New Member

    So excluding Axel, Roxas and Xion...

    I've got to say Demyx. He's one of those characters that I just naturally like.
  18. Uphoreka

    Uphoreka New Member

    Luxord is my favorite. He's very weird and good.
  19. Bjoacx

    Bjoacx New Member

    Hmm, I'd have to honestly say Roxas, he's just strait up cool!
  20. Roxas358

    Roxas358 New Member

    Roxas, Xemnas, Saix, and Xion.

    I just like them out of all of 13 for some reason.

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