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Why Kingdom Hearts?

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Kitty, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Rexzo

    Rexzo New Member

    A wise man named Anthony introduced me to the game.

    I'm forever in his debut.​
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    If I did not play Kingdom Hearts, then I would not have any more respects for other games.

    If I did not play Kingdom Hearts, then I wouldn't have more interests in other Final Fantasy characters.

    If I did not play Kingdom Hearts, then I would not have look more into other memorable Disney movies.

    if I did not play Kingdom Hearts, then I wouldn't have join this site.

    These are the reasons why I was able to play the series.
  3. Father-McKenzie

    Father-McKenzie New Member

    I'm a big Square fan. So big, in fact, I almost have every mainstream FF game (Still need to find FFII for the Famicom).

    This only adds to the best collection of my games! Well, that, and Rare games. Gotta love Donkey Kong Country!
  4. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I'm always amazed on how I even came across Kingdom Hearts. Mainly because I never played any real RPGs; at the time the only games the existed were from the Legend of Zelda franchise and anything revolving around Mario. It did open the door to other games like Final Fantasy (I never actually heard of Final Fantasy until I played KH way back in grade 6? Grade 5?)

    I came across the game for the first time in grade 4, grade 5? Whichever, because my younger brother was playing it in his bedroom and I wanted the PlayStation 2 at that moment. My first view of Sora was him going down the vines at Tarzans world, the only world in Kingdom Hearts I don't like, and I thought it was strange. I blew it off, then later came across it again a year later at a friends house when Sora was at Destiny Islands and I thought it looked like the coolest thing since sliced bread. I ended up buying the game, and I've loved it ever since.
  5. Zipher

    Zipher New Member

    my first experience with kingdom hearts was at a best buy, it was on the ps 2 that lets you play games, so i played it and i was wow this game flippin sucks! fast foward a few years and my birthday was coming up, and my friend started talking to me about it so i was like hmmmmmmm ill ask for it for my birthday, so i did, and i got 2 copies of it for my birthday lol, and i played it and fell in love with it and stuck with the series since :3
  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I have a really cool grandpa. He plays videogames. I first played KH at his house. 'Nuff said.
  7. Camdy

    Camdy New Member

    Oh, good memories..
    I was still a little kid and my mom got it from her friend whos child had already played it. I was sure it would suck, never really liked Disney, but of course I fell totally in love.
  8. Espion

    Espion New Member

    Saw the commercial, the song got me hooked immediately. Seeing my friends played it as well got me real interested. Since then, I've been a KH fan. :)
  9. ✰Wayfinder✰

    ✰Wayfinder✰ New Member

    I used to be friends with this girl when I was younger and she had a PS2. I asked her what games she had and she said she had this one made by Disney, so I popped it in to see what it was about because we were bored. She said she was stuck on a level. Honestly, I only kept the game on for a few minutes, at first I thought it was a stupid game. Later, when she moved away a few weeks after that, I was just wondering how I lost a friend who was like me - we both liked video games and etc. I went to wal-mart a few days later and was looking for a game and saw Kingdom Hearts there and I remember her telling me she was stuck on a level and maybe I should give it another chance because she seemed to like the game so much. I went home played it for a few hours and fell in love.
  10. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    I remember me and my friend (mom's boyfriend's kid) were at blockbuster since our parents were letting us rent a game for the week (or something like that). We saw KH I sitting on the shelf near some other games, thought that the cover was cool, rented it for the week and played with it. We liked the game (even though we had trouble getting past Destiny Islands XD) and eventually had to return it.
    Me and my mom decided to get the game for my brother that later in the year for his birthday. He usually is the one playing while I helped him through the game with walkthroughs and guidebooks. We still play all games with the same strategy, unless I want to play - I'm usually on my own since he never understood how to read the guides. -.-;
  11. Marquis

    Marquis New Member

    is ur grandpa Xehanort?

    WE MIGHT BE KIN!! :)
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2011
  12. 808_Roxas_Rebirth

    808_Roxas_Rebirth New Member

    Well I only started playing KH recently (like 8 months ago in 2010)
    When I first heard about the game in middle school I was like “Pfft, fighting with Disney characters? How lame” (please don’t be a hater)
    So senior year roles around and my friend says he’s moving away so he gives me his old PS2 (did not have one till then) one of the games was KH2. So I start playing it and I am instantly hooked! I get as far as the Mansion when my other friends say “You need to play KH1 first!” so I stop playing 2, borrow 1, blaze through that in a month, pick up 2 again, tweak on that for a month, hear about BBS from my friends, buy that, Beat it, find 358/2 days, then RE:coded comes out.
    I’ve basically been living and breathing kingdom hearts ever since I played it

    Btw I’m totally a fanboy now (I <3 Roxas, Ven, and Sora)
  13. Kitty_

    Kitty_ New Member

    The first time I knew about Kingdom Hearts, I was at a relative's house and some of my cousins were playing it and I just thought it was a really cool game. Then I started playing it a couple years later and I got attached! Not just with the game play but the story line as well.
  14. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Well it was years ago... *Dreamy music plays as a flashback happens)
    I was first introduced by a friend of mine who lived next door.
    He was the only kid close to my age in the neighbor hood, and he was 3 grades older than me.
    We often talked Zelda and other games like it, but one day we snuck into his house.
    We weren't exactly supposed to be in the room we were in, but he really wanted to show me this game.
    It was Kingdom Hearts.
    He was at Olympus Stadium getting Ready to fight in one of the tournaments, and he showed me all the keyblades and explained the game.... etc... etc...
    He later moved away and i ended up forgetting the game...
    two years ago i was over a different friends house and we were all deciding what game to play on the Ps2
    I saw a game called "Kingdom Hearts 2"and asked if we could play it
    he said, "No! It's a dumb game and only 1 player!" so that crushed my hopes from before once again.
    Then it was nearing my 12th birthday and i saw an add in a magazine for "Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days"
    I immediatly wanted it, all i had was a DS at the time
    played the game through, literally cried and laughed out loud
    then i was hooked!
    This last Christmas, I asked for a Ps2, of course being mocked by my fellow class mates
    "A ps2? LAMMEEEEEEE! Why not an Xbox."
    honestly i was embarrased to say i wanted kingdom hearts!
    but then i got the Ps2. I first played KH2 and I have yet to beat KH1. CoM isn't for me. So trust me I will never play it. Sorry doesn't look like i would enjoy it.
    Now I am saving up for a PSP and KH:BBS
    i also anticipate the release of KH3
  15. TheSoopaweirdo

    TheSoopaweirdo New Member

    This is going to be a little embarrassing, but I first got into Kingdom Hearts nearly two years ago due to my younger brother (Who currently ruins the franchise for me). I first picked up on Kingdom Hearts 2, and I really enjoyed that game.

    The funny thing is that Disney characters can easily fit into the mix. It's kind of a unique thing to do, and probably a presumptuous thing for Square Enix to agree to. I don't like the fact that Final Fantasy characters are in it as much. It's more or less due to continuity issues with that franchise.
  16. the Harmless

    the Harmless New Member

    uhmm, to make it simple. . .*ahem*. . .KINGDOM HEARTS is the EPITOME of all RPGs and the very definition of EPICNESS!. . .who would've thought mickey and the other disney charcters can be so epic and awesome!. . .we must thank SQUARE ENIX, because they are all geniuses!. . . . .*ahem*. . .thats why.
  17. Equinox

    Equinox New Member

    Oh, jesus.
    My story is so long.

    Well, when I was about four right after Final Fantasy X came out, my cousin visited from Canada to help my mom with something. He was there for, like, two whole weeks. The first few days when he'd play it, I'd hide behind his couch and just watch in wonder as he played, and played, and played. At that time, I thought the story, the characters, the graphics - everything, really - were amazing. Soon, however, the power went out for about three days. At that time I just sat outside and thought about it, curious if there were other games like that.

    So, three years later in second grade, I switched schools. That same year there was another new girl so, naturally, we stuck together. Soon, we became best friends. And, in about fourth grade, I went over her house and noticed that she'd bought a new game, Kingdom Hearts.
    I thought it was even better than Final Fantasy, purely because it had Disney characters in it. (I'm a sucker for classic Disney, like the really old cartoons and stuff) I noticed that it had some of the same characters and stuff in it, it all 'clicked', and....well, the story is getting really long and I'm too lazy to type any more, so I'll wrap it up here.
    Basically, I bought myself a PS2, then had my friend's mom buy me the second game lD My friend and I beat the first together, at her house. As for the second, I play it all the time even know, simply because it's so good. I've beat it, like, six or seven times. LOL.
    So yeah :3

    Plus, she moved away last August, and I haven't seen my cousin in a few years, either. I s'pose the games remind me of them~
    Idk. Just a little emotional tidbit in there.
  18. nostringsattached~

    nostringsattached~ New Member

    i remember seeing pictures of the characters and hearing some of the piano music on a you tube video and i immediately fell in love. i bought the first and second for christmas a couple years ago and i have loved it ever since :)
  19. Leonheart312

    Leonheart312 New Member

    I had just gotten my Playstation 2 and I only had one other game for it. I had just gotten money for my birthday. I am part of a military family so I was walking with my dad and friend through the base exchange and saw it. The cover art was what caught my attention. As you all remember it had the interesting holographic covering to it. I also saw Donald and Goofy on the front. Feeling nostalgic, I picked it up and started playing it for a little while. I stopped at Alice in Wonderland and didn't feel very strongly connected to the game so I dropped it for a time. About a year or so later I decided to pick it up again and finally played all the way until Ansem. I stopped when I couldn't beat him the first few times and dropped it for a few months. Once I came back and played it, it took me a little while to finally beat him but I am glad that I played it all the way through and decided to get the next one when it finally came out. So it did and I've beaten it at least three times now. Here's hoping for KH3 to come out soon!
  20. Veritas

    Veritas New Member

    I don't know why.
    I don't really remember how I first discovered it, or why. I guess it was too long ago to remember. All I know, though, is that I've liked Final Fantasy and the like all my life, and that's not going to change. C:

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