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World ending / Major crisis 2012

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by WayToTheDawn, Aug 23, 2009.

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  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Where did I say in my post that proving prophecy to be a myth would be easy? What I said was that prophecies can be interpreted so many different ways that if one were inclined to try to prove prophecies true, one could find a way to make a current event work with what was predicted. Just because the prediction seems to have been fulfilled doesn't mean the "seer" had real prophetic abilities. For this reason, I, a skeptic in general, would not be inclined to piss myself with fear over any and all prophesized doomsdays people shout at me. And as Desert Warrior mentioned, most people prefer to listen to credible people. If not scientists, whose job would it be to study prophecy?

    I am offended that you would dare to talk about "people like me", when you don't know a damn thing about me. When did I ever say any of these things you've capiltalized at me? Do I think science has all the answers, no. Do I think science is always right? No. I have chosen to respond to the scientific aspects of this prediction because they are the easiest to attempt to disprove. Science can tell us with some certainty if they think a massive, sudden polar shift (for example) is likely, based on what has happened to the earth in the past. Scholars (like anthropologists/archaeologists) can give us information they have deduced based on the Mayan calender, which for some reason people insist just ends in 2012, which is untrue, and so does not point to an upcoming doomsday.

    It is my personal opinion, for other reasons besides the ones I've mentioned, that this 2012 hysteria will end up being over nothing. Others are free to prepare for the end as they see fit.

    And thank you, Moogle, for pointing out that religion (and political leaders, etc) does this same thing Soul Knight accuses science of doing. If anything, I feel that religion (in general) does more of the "I'm right, you're not" than the scientific community does.

    Yes, as noted, I am female. Hence the girly pink signature. :rolleyes:

    I can't wait to revive this topic 12/22/12.
  2. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    Amen to that

    THEY NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (dont tell me your one of them o.0)
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Wow. I'm just reading. So much drama. ??? What does New Moon has to do with this anyways? Also, I don't know who is doing the "I'm right & your wrong" but people like me sure don't be doing that. Don't you read something about Scientology losing a fraud case & one of the actors left the religion, scientology?
  4. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest


    To some of you I just don't think some of you will ever understand things. Some of you are like dogs who have to have your master hand stuff out to you. Left wing scientist say humans are causing global warming and some of you believe every word they say.

    You want the truth? The truth is, yes global warming is happening but humans are not causing it. Humans only contribute 2% to global warming, even if we stopped producing carbon dioxide, that 2% will do nothing to change global warming.

    The planet is a living being, it has changes. The earth goes through periods of warming and cooling, that is all global warming is, the continuation of that cycle.

    So what was the point of this example? 2 points really. 1. Modern Science is flawed and anyone who believes some of the half ass research they are doing today is blind. 2. The earth as I stated is a living thing, it's soul is nature and we are connected to nature, meaning our knowledge is flawed but when we stop being so stubborn and ignorant and finally wake up to what we are, we will realize there is so much more to life then what society is now.

    Moving on, I want to address prophecy. Ancient people were connected to nature and more spiratualy connected to God, of course the ancients could look into the future. If your connected to God and to nature then of course you will be wiser and can see into the future.

    The new era to begin in 2012 was predicted by many civilizations and many prophets. To deny their wisdom is to only hurt yourself and to hide yourself from reality.

    The point I am really trying to get through to skeptics is that modern humans are stupid compared to ancient people and prophets. Sure we created TV, Radio, cures for stuff and many things, but the ancients knew more about the true reality than this small little fiction known as modern day life that society has created.

    In closing I am saying something bad will happen in 2012 and it will be the begining of a new era, if you don't want to believe it then fine but I can 100% gaurantee you that when 2012 something major will happen, it wont be the end of the world but it will be the begining of a new era.

    My only hope is that society finally wakes up then.
  5. Lithium

    Lithium New Member

    Ok Mr. High and Mighty.

    Mind if I get a source on this? Because I don't want to wrongfully call this BS C:

    Just because a planet has cycles of being active, inactive etc doesn't mean it's alive, at least in the biological sense. Collectively speaking of life on earth, yes, Earth is brimming with life, but itself isn't "alive" in the sense that it eats, sleeps, breathes like we do. It's like trying to say a star is alive. It has cycles yes, but is it biologically alive? No.

    While I'll admit that some analysts are being too blunt and over-exaggerating the issue, I wouldn't go as far as that modern science is flawed. Sure, we don't know everything, but we're trying to expand our knowledge to know more about our place in the universe, how things work and why said things exist.

    Also take into account that global warming and its effects on our planet aren't well known, so don't expect skeptics and researchers to be accurate with their claims. I commend them for at least trying to get a grasp on the current situation rather then doing absolutely nothing to understand the changes the earth is undergoing.

    So you think all of humanity as we know it is like that? It's simply not the case. There is an effort to preserve and take care of our planet, it's just the fact that not everyone is pitching in. It's not something you can do in just one day, it's a gradual process that takes many years to occur. And it's not cheap either.

    :/ do I even NEED to tear this apart?


    Hell I will anyway.

    You can be enlightened by the religion or religious leader you follow but that doesn't make you any 'wiser' then anyone else. Seeing into the future is only limited to about 1/10th of a second due to your brain working faster then your eyes. The ancients only predicted a possible future event based on their own knowledge and beliefs. That does NOT relate to actually seeing into the future which is impossible.

    The so called "new era" just signifies the point where the polls will reverse. What will happen exactly is unknown, but I'm not too freaked out about it. How to deny their assumption will "hurt only myself" is beyond me though.

    Well it was just bound to happen with multiple cultures arising/clashing, an ever growing population and an advancement in science and technology. We're a species that relies on material possessions, and having said that it should be of no surprise how things have turned out over the years.

    We're not "stupid", we're just ignorant to the big picture. Ignorance =/= stupidity

    Other then poll reversal and possible mass suicides, that's all I really see as being a major occurrence. But that's just me.

    Doubt that, if anything the media will just eat it up like they always do. It's how they make money after all.


    Change of heart: Not all of society has awakened to our fallacy's, but at the very least some have.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2009
    Kitty and DarkDust like this.
  6. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Ever heard of the ice age? That was a cooling period. Currently we have been in a warm period for the past 10,000 years. It's likely this heating may causing another ice age and that would just mean we are entering a cooling period, but there is nothing humans can do about it. Because we are not causing it.

    Also let me try to give you my perspective. When you say "Also take into account that global warming and it's effects on our planet aren't so well known" I take that as you only listening to science. I'm sorry but to whom are the effects of global warming not well known to?

    Yes I think all of humanity in general is like that. Why is it that humans are so damn obsessed with hollywood but yet hardly no one knows who their senator is? See how stupid people are? Personaly I have a deep hatred for human nature, I hate the fact we can think or do evil things. It bothers me that humans can do bad things, I hate that.

    Why is seeing into the future impossible? Is it because science says so? This is what I mean when I say science is flawed, they assume somethings are impossible without doing long hard studies.

    Now here is where we agree. Who is to say that the polls shifting in 2012 is not the big event that begins the new era in 2012?

    If you believe the polls will shift in 2012, then why is it so hard to believe that very event was also predicted thousands of years ago?

    I mean if the polls shift then life as we know it would not be the same, would that not be a new era? and is that not what the ancients predicted?

    Again this brings me back to my hatred for human nature, the fact that we are material creatures makes me sick, I hate that we can become so obsessed with stuff like that.

    To me they are one in the same, stupidity and ignorance get on my nerves. If humans are ignorant of the big picture then we are stupid beings, ignorant people are worthless.

    Would all of that not change life as we know it? Would that not put us into a new era? Is that not what the ancients predicted?

    Again, another reason I hate human nature.

    Then those who do not awaken should be left behind and condem, all humans should always seek knowledge and be serious all the time.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    When you guys say polls, do you mean political polls? Or magnetic poles?

    And also, it does not matter what science says, but people cannot see into the future. Not under regular circumstances. Sight into the future would require some kind of divine intervention.

    And one last thing:

    Why does everybody seem to think that science and religion need to go against each other in every possible way.
  8. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    Human nature is something to despise, and something we as individuals need to work on. Its not a quick and easy battle Soul Knight, you have to fight it your entire life. And we cant tell the future through just us, but i do believe in astology and somethings as such, mathematical formula's that can depict certain events and things. But humans can not talk to God, God has condemned us to this hell and we are here under his punishment.

    A. They mean Magnetic
    B. Science and religion can go together, I believe so anyways. I think the ultimant connection is through geometry and mathematics. Mathematics and Geometry are the link that connects the mystery of religion to the mystifying of science.
  9. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    I meant under special circumstances of course DW, I know that the ability to see the future is not a common thing and I never meant to suggest such a thing.

    Also I don't believe science and religion go against eachother. I believe science if used correctly (Not some of the science that they use to make up that Global warming BS) is the tool which humans use along with religion to understand the workings of God and our universe.

    What get me mad about Troph and people like her, they act like religion and ancient ways is just myth and nothing more. To me that is a very closed minded view. I accept both science and religion, I don't close myself off like Troph seems to. If I misunderstood your acceptance of religion and ancient stuff as being just as important as science then i'm sorry.

    Yes Mythril, human nature is the nature of the flesh which is sin. We must deny our human nature like we must deny sin and fight against it. I just hate being a creature that can sin, I hate being human, I can't wait to have a spiritual body.

    I must disagree with you thought on one thing. God does not abandon us. The bible says God will never abandon those who trust in him. You see prayer is how we speak to God and God responds to us through people, events, and things that show us answers. Sometimes he even responds with miracles if needed. But I agree life is a journey for the spirit, for the spirit is eternal where as the body will perish.

    I agree with you about astrology and things as such are one way we can tell the future and that is how Notradamus and the Mayan's were able to make their predictions of the future.

    So we do agree on most things but i'm afraid I disagree with your view of the relationship between God and humans.
  10. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    Its not that he has abandoned us, or maybe he has, i dont really know. Its hard to really understand that aspect of it all...I want to think he is, but the cold reality may be that he isnt....
    But God does work through many of us to help bring his lost children back to him. Whether we work like Lucifer, or like Angels, we can truly shift the flow or balance in an individuals hearts and mind through our actions, whether they good or bad.
  11. Lithium

    Lithium New Member

    Lol no sources huh? And you can't deny that at the very least we're speeding it along bit by bit.

    What is with you and denouncing science, which bases itself on facts? And I think that answer was easy enough to understand. Basically: We only know a good portion of the effects global warming has based on data and information gathered from other time periods. However, that does not mean we have full knowledge of what happened then and what can happen now or in the near future. Only predictions can be made. Simple no?

    Oh yeah, I meant the later; gotta love typo's.

    Well not everyone is like that; the main stream maybe but not everyone. I still see what you're getting at, but honestly, with the way the world is and how it works I don't see why you should hold this grudge over humanity. If anything you're just making yourself miserable by hating society as a whole. It's rather unhealthy don't you think?


    No one really, but I just don't see why it's something to freak out about. Life is short, just enjoy it while you can.

    Because they only made a possible outcome of the future. If it were complete and utterly true then I would more likely believe it. There's a chance that something major will occur, and I'm willing to wager it's nothing all too devastating. But that's just me, think what you want.

    Ignorance is bliss :3

    In all seriousness, they're not one in the same, and if that were the case you'd be worthless as well. In fact, that's pretty much the entire human race right there.

    Repeat much?

    I think you're taking this issue way too seriously. Having everyone think the same way just wouldn't work; it's like communism. Great on paper, doesn't work when implemented. Though I can't deny seeking knowledge as being a good thing. What answers we may find might not be what we expect though.
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^^Some of this talk would be better suited to the religion thread, I think.

    If you're going to talk shit, you could at least spell my name right. :rolleyes:

    I find it amusing that although you preach that I'm closed minded, your posts make you seem even more so. Show me where I have said anywhere in my posts that religion is a myth. Actually, show me where I have mentioned religion at all, besides the post where I made a point of saying that I wasn't going to pass judgement on the religious aspects of this 2012 prediction, and where I agreed with Moogle pointing out your hypocrisy re: blasting science for being all high-and-mighty, when religion can often act the same way.

    I am not particularly religious, my family having been lax on that as I was growing up. But I believe that each religion is important to the people who believe in it. I will not pass judgement on which is the "right" one. I find it rude when people think they need to force their religion on others.

    What I find bullshit are the claims of people like Nostradamus. I've read some of the more famous quatrains from his The Prophecies and they are so vague they could apply to almost anything. It's sad that people freak out over it.

    I do not believe that they need to go against each other. Take a look at the first post of the religion thread for an example.
  13. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    No we're not, if the earth is going to warm up then through a series of glacier melting thus causing oceans to cool thus causing an ice age, then we can do nothing.

  14. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Can we? If we get a large enough ice cube. . . *Rimshot*

    Sorry, I couldn't resist making a Futarama reference here.

    Yes. They totally want you to buy a car that makes you buy LESS gasoline and thus not make as much money off of gas. And they TOTALLY want you to have a more energy efficient house so that you won't be paying as much to them on the energy bills.

    Yes. I had a very good point here that involved a quote from the Doctor (Christopher Eccleston, Season one. Last episode or second to last episode. If anybody has a script I'd appreciate it.) - and before you diss me on bringing up a fictional character, I'm going to say this: Fictional characters have made more good points on life than George Bush has stupid comments.

    Nobody can be prepared for everything. Life comes at you fast.

    Ever had a fortune cookie? Like one that says, "Watch out for Red." It could be (theoretically) your red-headed girlfriend that broke up with you. You could cut yourself on a pair of red scissors. Nearly hit by a red car. Red pen breaks. Point is, fortunes and prophecies tend to be incredibly vague - I mean, look at the Oracle of Delphi! "In this battle, a great army will be lost." No shit sherlock!

    Would you rather be a machine? No heart, no emotions. Just rules to live by an organized sosociety, free from rage. Free from hate. Free from love. Free from morals. Free from beliefs.

    . . . . . . . . . . That's like saying that dark has to always stay away from light. No matter what it is, you're going to have these contrasts. Just like 'beautiful' people decide who is beautiful, our own perceptions of reality are what gives us 'stupid' and 'smart'.

    I don't believe ghosts are a myth, but I don't quite accept them.

    I don't know, because there is plenty more out there than to believe just them? I believe that this is the basis of agnosticism. . .

    "Well okay, little stupid"? Who the hell tried to insult you like that when you were a kid? The association of bad bullies?

    "Anyways, I am not particularly religious, my family having been lax on that as I was growing up. But I believe that each religion is important to the people who believe in it. I will not pass judgement on which is the "right" one. I find it rude when people think they need to force their religion on others."

    Not ONCE is there a negative adjective in there that pertains to religion in that sentence other than "Rude" which is used in the context of one shoving it down another's throat. So where the hell are you getting this insult?

    IF! IF! THE DREADED IF! Everything else in this goddamn thread is so theoretical, leave IF out of your arguments for this one!

    1. It's scoffing. There's a difference between laughing and scoffing. *rimshot*

    2. There you were, saying that opinions won't matter, blah blah blah, and then you get into you own personal prejudice. Hypocritical, much?

    3. You're doing the 'assuming that they're something that they might not be' thing again. Just GENERALIZING. For all you know, Toph could be a confucionist!
  15. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    If the left wing scientist can get society to believe in humans affecting global warming then they can get public support to pass bills that will make you buy a energy efficent car, force you to build your house a certain way. It's all about control to these tyrrants.


    We can't afford to be caught off gaurd. We must always be alert and try to never falter, life is both a learning experience and a battle. You see everyone has enemies, and that means you are in constant battle therefore you should always look for ways to ruin your enemies. For example, I am conservavtive so therefore every liberal is my enemy and therefore I should do my part to beat liberals in elections, because elections is the battlefield of politics.

    Of course there are more serious examples, like Bin Laden. We need to find him and torture, mangle, slaughter, crush, stab, humilate and finally kill him. But our leaders let politics get in the way and they have still yet to find him, bunch of idiots.

    Okay tell me this then. Edgar Cayce said that around the year 2012 that the earth would shift on it's axis, A.K.A a polar shift.

    Now he wasn't vauge, he just came out and said a polar shift would happen around the year 2012.

    Now is there anyother way that you can interpet that prediction than meaning a polar shift will happen around 2012?

    No not a machine, a heavenly body is what I desire. You see in the christian faith we are taught that through Jesus Christ we can be saved, we get to go to heaven after we die. However the average christian fails to do their research and I can explain this process in a much better way.

    Humans fell from perfection and thus sin was born. Since God is a perfect God he can't allow sin in heaven. Therefore Jesus had to come to earth and since he was perfect when he died on the cross it was the ultimate sacrifice, and when he rose from the grave he defeated death (A.K.A hell) thus allowing us humans a way to return to perfection. Now the only thing we humans must do is confess we are sinners and believe and I mean truly believe that Jesus is the son of God and God is the only one true living God. This act by a human is the way that we deny our sinful nature, where we condem the flesh. Because we willingly deny sin and accept Jesus, when we die we get perfect heavenly spiritual bodies and that is when we finally return to perfection.

    Once we get these perfect bodies in heaven, then we will never be able to think or feel another evil thing ever again. All we will know and feel are good things only. That is what I want, perfection and I believe when I die I will like many before me be perfect in heaven and finally at peace.

    Let me ask you a question, who would you rather higher? The highschool drop out or the guy who went through eight years of College? You would higher the later choice because the drop out is stupid.

    Again how you believe something is real without accepting it? Acceptance and Belief go hand in hand.

    When he says, "I believe religion is important to people who believe in it". To me it's like he is saying, "I believe religion is important to people who believe in it because it comforts them." It's like he is downplaying religion as a fairy tale, I mean even if someone doesn't believe the sun will blow up one day, the fact that it will is still important for the human race as a whole.

    Same goes with God, if there is a God then whether you believe in him or not, it's still important to humans as a whole because he is our creator.

    Also we are not shoving religion down your throats, we are doing what the bible says. According to the bible our job is to tell people about Jesus, now it's your choice to believe in him or not but we have a duty to tell everyone about Jesus, that is why it is called "The great commandment".

    1. They are both insulting, laughing and scoffing are both rude.

    2 and 3. Tell me one aithiest that is nice, because I have never met one. Every aithiest I have met is rude, uncivillized, and abnoxious.
  16. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Your ignorance is showing, Soul Knight. Don't call the rest of us unenlightened when you don't choose to act that way.

    Since this is not the religion thread, I chose not to go into my own religious preferences, but if it will shut you up, I'll go into it. I was raised Christian. However, I now basically consider myself an agnostic, when I think about it at all. I do not believe that it is possible to know for sure what, if anything, comes after death, or if there is in fact a God. If other people are sure in their beliefs, then I am happy for them. I have not seen anything in my life to prove to me for sure, and I like to be sure about things. I am extremely skeptical by nature.

    By commenting that I believe religion is beneficial to the people who believe in it, I meant that sincerely. Religion provides moral rules for people to live by, and gives hope for the future. The only times I was condescending towards you were when you posted like an all-assuming idiot.

    There is a nice way to do this, and there is a condescending, offensive way to do this. Honestly, I have had far more experience with the offensive way.

    Another fallible human? For every opinion I see claiming he was a prophet/seer/blah-blah, I see at least one claiming that he was nothing but a fraud. I want to see a link to a source showing where exactly Cayce said "in 2012, there will be a polar shift." I very much doubt he was that specific.

    That really sounds like something a good christian would say. :rolleyes:

    And I love your assumption that all atheists are assholes. You sound really intelligent, there. I'm sure atheists have as many different personalities as christians. Maybe you should open your mind a little, rather than lecturing me to do so. Hmm.

    :D This made my day.


    And goddammit, I am a girl. Is it that hard to add a damn "s" in front of "he"? I think you're doing it on purpose to be rude, and I don't appreciate it.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -__- In order to make sure that everyone will know that you're a female, I will call you Tophina. Also Soul Knight, I have to agree about the part where you go out of control. the part about you saying that atheists are cruel, that's not even true. I have a friend who kept on switching between being a christian & a atheist. She was a christian at 5 & ever since her mom passed away, bad things kept on happening a lot to her then the good & she switched to Wiccan. After she realized what she did wrong, she moved back here & decided what she should do in her life. Right now, she decided to fully stay saved & live life for God (Thank goodness taht it's been almost a year going through this with the two of them.) & she's doing great. Don't start stereotyping atheists just because what you saw doesn't mean that the rest of the atheists in the world is like that. Remember the "Judge not others, but judge ye yourself"? You is actually judging others Soul Knight & I can see some things that youare at fault. Anyways, 2012 most likely not going to be the end of the year. We are human. We are not psychics. ??? Polar shift? I don't know much aobut that.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    It isn't so much of that, but more along the lines of Global Warming being more of a profit than a means of control. Does it matter if you get an energy efficient car? No. But take Al Gore for example. An Inconvenient Truth. Is it based off of truth? No (When it actually came out, the things Gore said were proven to be false). But Al Gore (Biggest hypocrite ever) owns a mansion that consumes the energy amount of a small city, a private jet that he flies everywhere, and I wouldn't doubt it if he has some organization that receives donations.

    And the U.N. They are working on that carbon emission tax thing. Stupidest idea ever. But if it goes through, everybody in the world, with the exception of China, India, and other developing countries, gets taxed so the U.N. can solve the 'Global Warming problem'. And the big irony of that is that China and India are currently the two biggest contributors to the pollution that is supposed to cause Global Warming.

    Some of humanity is like that. Not all of us. Don't ever give up hope on humanity. Don't always look at the negative like a pessimist.

    You do know that the way you feel about humanity makes you sound worse than the exact thing you hate. You know that, right?

    That comment sounds like you are what you hate. Your comment sounds completely ignorant and stupid.

    To me, myth is more of something applied to ancient religions, like Greek and Roman pagan religions. If Christianity, or Islam, or Judaism were to die out, several thousand years later they would be considered myth.

    Nobody is supposed to do anything. With the exception of live and die, of course. But that is a horrible analogy of atheism. No doubt, there are some people who are like that (Dane Cook talks about meeting somebody like that in one of his comedy shows). But I honestly believe that plenty of atheists don't care about religion, and that includes not caring enough to laugh at it.


    Because that'll work. Needing a bigger ice cube each time.

    Like I said above. It's more of a profit thing than it is a controlling thing.

    YES!!!! Three cheers for Existentialism!

    Loving the familiarity of these statements.

    No. We should not do that to him. At least, not if we're better than him. Kill him quick, and then let God settle everything out afterwards. What you say is not justice. More like misguided revenge.

    Well, for my comment to be valid, I'm going off of you're talking about the magnetic poles shifting. North becoming South, and vice versa. That happens every now and then. Long time in between each shift. I don't remember the exact time (Mike once said what it was in one of the debates). But I know that the last time the poles shifted wasn't so long ago that another shift is imminent. We've got time. Like with the sun exploding.

    But based on your beliefs, I highly doubt you will get to Heaven. Like the Bible says "Turn the other cheek." From what you said about Osama Bin Laden should be tortured, that isn't turning the other cheek. It is thoughts like that that prevent people from getting into Heaven.

    Btw, it isn't only believing in God. There's more to it than that.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2009
  19. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    what i say is that nothing but drama and death is going to happen, someones going to shut off all lights and electricaty like before to scare people, or just some big earthquakes bad law system or something, they said in 2000 the world would end, they said that when 1900's came the world would end, and in 1800s they said it would end, why would it end in 2012? before the century is up?
  20. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^I'm confused, are you agreeing with the doomsayers that 2012 will be a huge deal, or disagreeing with them because 2012 is "before the century is up?"

    Who would go through the trouble to shut off electricity (to the whole world?) to scare people? If drama and death occur, I'd be surprised if it wasn't because a bunch of people got hysterical over nothing and ended up killing themselves.

    If the "whole human race is ignorant" than wouldn't the entire society be stupid? What "progress" could be accomplished by such a "pathetic society", anyway? Perhaps you'd be better off just going off to live on your own away from the humans you detest so much.

    I'm positive that everyone who considers him or herself an atheist has nothing better to do than sit around scoffing at religion. :rolleyes: Just because someone doesn't believe in a god or gods doesn't mean that they would laugh at or condemn people who do. Try being a little more open-minded.

    To this I say NO. My name is already feminine, and it has been mentioned three, four times in this thread that I am a female. If Soul Knight continues to address me any other way, then either he can't be bothered to read through these posts properly, or he's just attempting to be irritating. So addressing me in a more feminine name will do nothing.

    Not to mention Tophina sounds extremely sucky. [/Aside]
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