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Xion Theory

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days' started by Tntk_2, Oct 8, 2008.

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  1. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    a lot of that is your own theory.
    Its not for certain that the Princesses couldn't have heartless, and its not certain that Sora received Kairi's heart at that moment in the secret place. Thats your theory, and/or interpretation of the video game. But none of that is valid "fact".
  2. cozzy_0205

    cozzy_0205 New Member

    Thank you mythril Roxas you make sense, it's all theory we are ALL speculating until we of us actually know.
    Although I will say this x3pic your theory makes a LOAD of sense it's probably the best one I've heard but still some things you say are cannon are still a little "fuzzy"
  3. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    actually me saying sora and kair entering heart was a theory.

    but the princesses of heart not being able to produce heartless is fact

    tell me mr. how do heartless exist? by consuming a heart through the hearts darkness. CORRECT

    now tell me sir. what makes a princesses of heart so special? oh yes they have no darkness in their heart

    so how the fuck do the produce heartless without having darkness? oh wait they don't, because thats not possible
    Last edited: May 30, 2009
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    After days of not posting I come back to defend x3pic.

    Hehe, During destinyisland a girl lost her heart. AKA Kairi. Her heart was suppose to become a heartless but because she was a PoH she didnt. So what happen was her heart migrated to sora. We know this because kairi passed through sora in the secret place.

    So we kinda know this already dont deny the facts.
    EtherealSummoner likes this.
  5. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    calm down, this is just a debate over a theory. geese.
    I'm not saying your wrong, I kinda like the theory, but you can't call your theories "facts". you just can't. keep an open mind when we talk about theories, otherwise no one will listen to you.

    they aren't facts, they are interpretations. Did Nomaru say those were facts? No. The PoH thing i think you guys are right on the dot, BUT how the hell did Xion and Namine come about?! HM!?
    Just remember to keep an open mind. You see, to finish your theory you'd have to play the guessing game on how all three of the significant nobodies in the KH series came about. And the guessing game is 90% of the time WRONG. so, you may be right in half of your theory, but i dont think it is 100% correct, thats just me.
  6. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    It is fact.

    Its facts.

    It is said throughtout the game that the PoH has no darkness in their hearts whatsoever.
    Exactly because its fact.
    Okay Kairi heart went into sora at the secret place correct. Later on Sora found out that he had Kairi's heart within him. So he released his and Kairi heart. Sora heart became a heartless but since Kairi was a PoH she couldnt create a heartless so her heart just went back to her vessel. Namine's birth is unusual she is a nobody in the truest sense of the word. Namine doesnt contain anything from Kairi. Even though Kairi didnt create a heartless her heart being released from sora's body and soul resulted in a creation of a nobody but lacking every quality of one. So techinally she's not a nobody but was created in the same way any other nobody would.

    Xion is not Kairi's nobody, most likely. Her appearance is being altered by sora's memories so pretty much she looks like Kairi because of sora's memories.
  7. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    stuborn eh? fine, u can thik what u want, but that doesn't mean you are right.
    The guessing game.
    that is your interpretation of the gamez, were as I mght have a different interpretation, and cozzy_0205 might have a different interpretation, and x3pic might have a different interpretation, and so on and so forth. We all think we're right, but what if it ends up being WAY DIFFERENT? what then? What if we're all wrong? We're just the fans, not the writers!! You need to wake up and realize that not everthing you say is fact, its just a theory. It could be a plausible theory, or it could be a dumb theory. This one is in the middle.
    The PoH thing prooves most of your theory as "plausible", BUT I think your totally playing the guessing game to "finish" your theory, as to how did Roxas, Namine, and come about. Now Roxas is easier to theorize plausibly, because Sora became a Heartless, but Namine and Xion are a bit of a mystery that we probably won't figure out till KH 358/2 days.
    I think Xion has everything to do with Sora, Kairi, and RIku, and I think Namine IS from Kairi.
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Are you serious!!! What im saying is right.
    Its not a guess. Its backed up by the Secret Ansem Reports.

    Well I pretty much know im right going by the SAR.

    Ya I learn the hard way read the SAR and the Ansem Reports if you like to be enlighten on the PoH and Namine's Existence.

    Ya most people that fully understand the game, sees it the same way I do.

    We know, Namine came into existence when Kairi heart was released from sora's body and soul. In the SAR it even says this. Next Nomura says Namine and Roxas were born at the same time. Which of course the only way if that happens if Sora and Kairi's heart being release from sora's body and soul would create two nobodies.

    Xion says that her appearance is affected by sora's memories. Namine says that she cant endure it.

    I got a few questions for you.

    Do you believe PoH have only pure light in their hearts?

    Do you know how heartless are created?

    Do you know how nobodies are created?
  9. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    u r stubborn....
    closed mindedness will never let you see anything beyond what u think u know.
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Ditto for you. You do not want to understand. What truly is fact. Calling others stubborn because of what you dont accept or choose not to accept as truth. But its okay. Youll figure out the hard way.
  11. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    ...no, just listen to yourself for a second. I have listened to the whole theory, and I like about half of it. I LIKE HALF OF IT. But the other half I question. Why get so rialed up just because I question the other half? People can have their opinions, but people who shape their opinion on other's opinions have NO opinion.
  12. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I love that you are questioning me!!!! It just gets me hyped to prove you wrong.

    This explains the PoH.
    This explains Namine's existence.
  13. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Now, im going to ask you a question hopefully your smart..odds are against you.

    How are heartless created?
    (hint if you SAY ANYTHING that doesn't have to do with the heart being consumed by darkness your an idiot)

    How are nobodies created?
    (if you say they don't need a heartless to be made, Your a BIGGER IDIOT)

    What makes a princesses of heart so special?
    (if you say anythign that doesn't have to do with pure heart, with no darkness, don't even pick up another KH game in your life)

    now these arent theories, they are mention throughout the game

    the 7 princess are special because they have NO DARKNESS, thats what makes them special
    now if that wasn't true, and they DID have darkness, then hell Sora could be a god dam Prince Of Heart.


    he is and he is sounding perfectly correct

    KeybladeLegacy where were you buddy, ha im taking on this forum of people who can not use common sense, or see whats in right in there face
  14. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    haha, okay, okay, i understand. It happens to the best of us, haha.
    okay, I agree with all that, and the Namine thing is really interesting, and explains a little more. But then how did Xion come to being? I just dont get it....

    calm DOWN!
    i agree with you for the most part, on all of that!!!!

    I just question how Namine and Xion are produced through this theory. Now keybladelegacy cleared up some of the Naimine part, but I'm still confused with Xion.
    I guess we'll just have to wait for the game.

    And you guys, seriously, dont get so mad just because someone questions your opinion or theory, or whatever!!
    Because thats their opinion, and when you put them down, YOU BECOME THE BAD GUY! Even if your right.
    Your lucky I'm open-minded, Most people by now would have cussed at you guys and would've been mean back...
    But i'm better than all that immaturity, i'm not gonna call people an idiot just because they disagree with me. They have their opinion, I have mine, thats a God given right to all human beings.
  15. cozzy_0205

    cozzy_0205 New Member

    Well said Mythril Roxas and to you other guys the ONLY thing I can't agree with is the fact that a heartless MUST be created to CREATE a nobody. That is what I don't get/understand/grasp/whatever.
  16. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    Okay, i think everyones had about enough of your constant "you're wrong, i'm right" attitude.
    Hope you realise your argument is void.

    Nowhere in the game does it even imply that people need to have a heartless to create a nobody. A nobody is created when a strong-hearted person loses their heart and the leftover body obtains a consciousness. Losing your heart to darkness is the easiest way. Don't have to be smart to figure that one out.

    you can yell at me all you want, i'll shrug it off. When you yell at my friends and other people, i will yell back. Hell, i'll yell back louder. "this forum of people who cannot use common sense"? uh, since when are you better than the rest of us?

    X3pic, odds aren't against these people. they are against you.
  17. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Now I cant explain her I got to play the game. But we do know she gets sora's memories through roxas, she influence roxas to leave the organization, she is born in a white room, and she has the ablity to wield a "fake" keyblade(we dont know if this is true yet)

    Updating my site about Days. Do you know that its been leaked and their is a ROM out, also have you seen who we can play as in multiplayer mode. The game is going to be great!!!

    Oh ya have you heard of the possible remake of KH 1 and 2 on the Wii.

    Well technically it has. The only exception is Namine and Kairi but they were special. But just because you create a heartless doesnt mean youll create a nobody. But if you do then this happens.

    There is 3 things that create a human being or disney character. A heart, body, and soul. Everyone in KH have this. A heartless is a heart consumed in its own darkness. In other words a heart has light and darkness in it. When the darkness takes over the heart it creates a heartless. Next remember that all beings have heart,body, and soul well since the heart is out of the body and soul now because the heart became a heartless. The body and soul are left over darkness consumes the body and soul and reborn it into a new identity in an inbetween realm.

    So basically the heart has to be out of the body and soul to create a nobody. But if the heart does get out of the body it becomes a heartless. And since that happens it gives rise to a nobody.

    If you dont want to believe me ask me to bring a little bit of the Ansem Reports.

    Well yes it does all nobodies have corresponding heartless. Such as Ansem and Xemnas. The only exception again is Namine.

    Um....If you lose your heart it will become a heartless regardless unless your a PoH.

    Yall are funny I got to get on this forum more.
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  18. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    They aren't opinions they are facts, the only opinion i said is how xion is made
    everything else is fact thank you

    read interviews and stuff
    Of course i have, and um i can't find the ROM dude send it to me please


    Haha they piss me off, because they either haven't researched like we have, or read any of the ansem reports. or anything, so they say stupid things and im like ZOMG are u serious and i eat there theories alive =)
  19. cozzy_0205

    cozzy_0205 New Member

    I'm reading the interviews now. Some interesting stuff but still why can't the creatro just make it all undersdtandable in the games. The Ansem Reports are good but it should be right there in front of your face or take logical reasoning to understand.
  20. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    This is the XION theory, right? that good ol' jumpfesta cutscene pretty much spells it out that
    Xion = sora + kairi's nobody. looks, attitude, comments, memories, etc
    cutscene away!

    and if anyone states otherwise, and has substantial physical proof ie: images. namine was formed before xion and roxas. its obvious, why? Namine has no keyblade.

    Roxas was sora's nobody, but since he had 2 hearts inside him when he lost his, he created Xion as well by accident.
    case solved, until nomura states otherwise.
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