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You're Banned

Discussion in 'Fun & Games' started by Destiny, May 16, 2009.

  1. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    I ban Reon coz i want to!
  2. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I ban you for swiching your name so much!
  3. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    I ban you for putting 545 in your name. :p
  4. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I ban you for putting a uneccisary X at the end of your namE!
  5. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    I ban you for... writing SNOW!!! in your sig.
  6. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I ban you because SNOW IS AWESOME!!!
  7. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    I ban you for writing that in CAPS!
  8. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    I ban you for that creepy avatar you got there!
  9. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    i ban you for saying her avvy is creepy.
  10. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    I ban you for... being you!
  11. I ban you for banning someone for that reason in particular.
  12. kiarigrl888

    kiarigrl888 New Member

    i ban you for having a pokemon sig.....wow just wow....
  13. I ban you for saying wow >_>
  14. Camdy

    Camdy New Member

    I ban myself for being here now first time in four weeks.. So lazy!
  15. I ban you for being lazy.
  16. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    I ban you for being a doo-doo!
  17. I ban you for insulting me.
  18. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i ban you for the weird words you have.
  19. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    I ban answer dude for calling Reon wierd!
  20. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    I ban you for calling me ANSWER DUDE!

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