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Zombie Apocolypse!!! (actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by TheKnightofAwesome, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Jennifer sighed in relief. 'Finally-' She thought. '-daylight.' Jennifer nodded while putting her shotgun into her bag along with her crowbar that was already laying there. "Yea, so, uhh, how far are we from the ships? A couple hundred-" Jennifer began to say. "-or a couple thousand-" Jennifer paused for a moment. This last word meant everything. Jennifer cleared her throat before saying rather irritated. "-miles." A couple hundred isnt that bad, that means their rather close, but a thousand was a bit munch.
  2. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Craig laughed.

    "HA! we got longer than that! we have to cross the entire nation before we get to the ships! anyway, just sit back and get some rest for now. We should be safe on the road, and it should be light out before we hit the next town. we're only in California, but we should be into the next state the day after tomorrow."

    Craig relaxed and focused on the road. as long as the team was in the car and on the road there was no threat to them. but still he worried about the new kid. he had proven to be too rash and could easily put the whole team in danger. he decided that he would have to keep a close eye on the boy.
  3. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member

    Mark was relieved to hear that. "Good. Once we get a little farther from town, let's stop at a gas station and grab as many of those containers of gas as we can, and we will have garenteed survival yeah?" He put his shotgun on his back holster, after putting the safety on ofcourse. He just stared out the window, keeping his eyes ready for anything.
  4. Key King

    Key King Member

    Ugh..moaned Lee, While we're there let's get something to eat.He had wrapped up his left arm, just above the elbow, with a white cloth. He pulled something from his sidepack, a syringe, filled with a foaming blue liquid. he pulled the cap off the needle and plunged it into his arm. it didn't hurt much. he had been shot before and knew what real pain was. He had a secret, but that secret was meant to stay a secret. He remembered being rushed through the hospital, but it easn't a hospital...no it was some corporation. they had vaccinated him in the spot where the white wrapping was. there were no traces of blood on the bandage either. he took off his bullt-proof vest, then decided to put it back on. some protection from bites. he thought. he reached into the pack again and pulled out a packet of goldfish. he had taken it from his house and it was the last provisions he had in his bag. he sighed then ripped it open. Want any? he asked passing the bag around. Some breakfast. he thought as he munched on a fish.
  5. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: for future posters you need to have your posts 4 lines or longer.

    IC: Just as Craig said Daybreak hit before they reached the next town. He pulled to the side of the road then got out.

    "Alright I want Jennifer and the new kid to come with me, Will you take the wheel and go find shelter for the night, When you've found a safe spot radio me and give us the location. also radio if there is a problem. Alright you two," said Craig addressing Jennifer and the boy, "We're going to raid the local stores for food and supplies. stay together at all times, and never EVER go anywhere without both a gun and a buddy. Though since there are three of us we will stay together the whole time. If when in the store you see a Zombie keep quite radio it in silently then try to get out without causing a commotion. alright we're hitting the gas station first to get extra gas and some food and drinks. Let's move out!"
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan slowly opened his eyes to darkness with a bit of light peering out of the one window in front of him. He slowly stretched out his arms and stood up and cracked all of his bones. "Another day in this shitty world," he mumbled to himself. He opened the door closest to him to reveal that he had taken refuge in a closet inside of a gas station. Dead zombie bodies were sprawled out all around, with blood splattered onto most of the products there. He grabbed a few bags of chips and took refuge in the closet as he ate his chips for the moment being.
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will wheeled the car around the block slowly as he saw the group approach the gas station. He kept his sniper across his lap as he pulled the corner slowly, seeing barely any undead shuffling around the street. As he kept going he didn't do more than brush the undead with the vehicle, making them just walk away from it. As he passed the next block he found a small new york style apartment building, windows boarded on the first and second floor, leaving enough space for a rifle to be pointed out. This looked like military work and Will liked the look of that. "Hey Craig... I think I found something..." He whispered into the radio in the jeep.
  8. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Craig received Will's message and whispered back

    "ok set up camp, when we are done here I'll radio you, you can give us the location then." Craig kicked in the door of the gas station and looked inside. there were no signs of imediate danger so he led the way in with Jennifer and the new boy following him. the floor of the gas station was littered with dead...well, re-dead Zombies. They were filled with bullet holes.

    Someone is here! thought Craig he also noticed how the blood covered the walls and more importantly the packages of food. he grabbed some gloves off the wall and threw a pair to Jennifer and the boy each.

    "Put these on, the blood may still be contaminated so be careful and keep your hands clean. also try to find food that's not covered in blood. I'm going to search behind the counter." as he went behing the counter Craig grabbed a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, putting them into his pocket. he [paused and grabbed a few more packs and a spare lighter. Just in case... he thought to himself.

    as he went back he came across a door, paths of blood led to this door, so Craig cocked his shotgun and pointed it at this door. Craig used full force to kick in the blood stained door and his gun came face to barrel with a kid no less that 20 eating a bag of chips.
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan could hear the commotion behind the door, but thought not too much of it, thinking it was probably some more zombie targets for him when he was done his chips. Just as he was finishing them up the door bursted open and a man holding a shotgun was standing right there, aiming it at Jordan. Immediately, Jordan snapped as he jumped up quickly and pushed the man back, giving him time to pull out his powerful revolver, which he had hidden on the side of his pants. He looked around and saw more people with him and pulled out his machete, which he had strapped around his back. He held the machete as if he were ready to attack immediately and his gun pointed at the man with the shotgun. "I want you all to say whole, legible sentences, right now or this place will get a lot bloodier," he said to them all angrily. In his mind, everyone around him is a zombie unless they haven't been bitten or cannot speak. They all seemed like they had self-control of themselves, but it never hurt to be too careful.
  10. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lee recognized the building, though he didn't want to. he tried to turn away, but he couldn't. this had been the building where he had been taken after he was shot. He knew it was full of weapons and all kinds of other goodies, as well as zombies. We have to be careful on this one. he said, drawing the colt. Hold on.. he said if there's a helicopter in there then I could pilot us to the ships! And last time I checked, zombies can't fly. Just, I hope it doesn't run out of gas like my last chopper...I was so close to freedom!
  11. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    "Put the weapons away boy!" growled Craig. "We're not Zombies and none of us have been bitten by Zombies!" he lowered his own shotgun. "We're just a group of survivors that are making their way to Washington D.C. before the ships leave for Europe. What's your story?" he led the way back to the other two, pulling out a cigarette pack he took one out and used the new lighter to ignite the tobacco.

    "Will!" said Craig into the radio, "We found another survivor. no signs of infection yet. we'll be here for a little bit more than you can give us your location." he turned back to the kid with the chips. "anyway, what are you doing here? Tell me how you wound up in a freaking gas station." as he sat on the counter he noticed some gas cans up against the waal as he picked them up he saw they had full supplies of gasoline. This couldn't have been a better trip. he thought to himself.
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan held his gun on the man for a few more seconds before smiling and replying, "Good answer." He put his gun back but held his machete still out, still a bit leery of the newcomers. "I knew about the boats, duh," he said in a smart tone. "I was just on my way there yesterday, till I saw this gas station. Oooh, this bad boy was full of flesh-addicts, so I thought why not kill two birds with one stone: I put those bastards out of their misery, and get some food on the side. Got tired though, so I thought I'd spend the night here, just so I could get my bearings together before I went on my way to them boats in D.C." He watched the guy pick up the gasoline cans and laughed a little bit. "Yeah I wouldn't use those if I were you. If you wanna get anywhere, then those WATER cans won't do it. Had to use the gas for....something else," he gestured outside where there was clearly burnt marks around the gas station. "Yeah, you might wanna use the ones in that storage room." He gave a friendly nod to the stranger.
  13. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lee motioned for will to follow him as he walked to the back of the building. There was a large steel garage door. If we can open this there should be some fully armed choppers, that I can use to get us outta here. But we have a few problems. This place develops weapons for the army, so lots of people work here, meaning lots of infected. However, there were quite a few guards around here, so we might find some survivors. Our biggest problem right now is opening this door...Lee facepalmed as he noticed the card slot to the left of the door. he reached into his pack and pulled out an ID card with his picture and personal info printed on it. Of course I'm a special corps pilot so I have access to this hangar. he said, clearly mad at himself. I don't know my card still works because a few months ago we destroyed our partnership with this company. the head dude was nuts, he started using human test subjects. he was designing strange serums that he was planning to use every where. we stopped him and shut him down. he locked up in the looney bin. This building was gonna be destroyed 'til this happened. he said, motioning to the ruined city around them. he pulled out his colt and used his card on the slot. to his surprise the door slowly opened, but instead of zombies dead bodies were strewn all around, blood covering the floor. a scientist was sitting against a wall. he had on a labcoat over a baby blue shirt with a black tie, jeans, and tennis shoes. in his lap he had a shotgun. fired shells were all over. Lee approached the man, his colt ready. the man had bite all over his body, his clothes were torn and bloody. Lee reached for the shotgun, and the man lurched to life, nearly biting lee's arm. lee shot him in the head, killing him. Apparently he killed the zombies here before becoming one himself. Lee looked around at the crates of ammo, gas, but most of all the vehicles. there were helicopters, tanks, and all kinds of things. he breathed a sigh of relief, this was looking good.
    (I have no intentions of ending this game soon)
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will pulled the jeep over and grabbed his sniper, heading towards the house. As he clipped the radio to his jacket he noticed it was only a two floor house and all windows seemed fortified well. He lifted the gun and hit the radio button. "Roger Craig, checking it out now." He breathed, slowly opening the door to the house and stepping in. As he swept the room he realized that this hadn't fallen, it had been abandoned because of lack of food. As he looked around he saw decent amounts of ammunition and water, but no food. No infection either.
  15. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Craig retreived the REAL gasoline and blew out a puff of smoke. used the shot gun's strap to put the gun on his back freeing up a hand. alright carry as much supplies as you can. It's still light out, so we shouldn't run into to much trouble. But just in case, I want two people to have the supplies myself being one of them and the others need to cover the flanks. If Zombies come out. our two gunsmen will be in charge of taking care of the problem and protecting the whole group. we will have to move fast to keep up and stay close. Jennifer I want you to be the second gunner. so pass your supplies to the new boy."

    Craig led the group back outside. "Alright, Will, give us your location we're moving out now."
  16. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lee looked around for will, but didn't see him. he ran outside and saw him walking into the military outpost dirrectly to the left of the corporation building. That outpost was used to moniter the company as soon as the man leading them was locked up.the outpost would be a good place to hide from zombies, but with the vehicles they could get away.something large dropped on lee. it was definately NOT human. It's skin was grey, and it had yellow eyes. it had spiderlike legs, a human face and some apparently unfinished limbs sticking out of its back. Lee reached for his gun, but it had been knocked away, along with his side pack. He reached for his radio, but one of the things legs had crushed it. lee saw his knife and grabbed it. the monster prepared to eat him. he slashed it, but the thing didn't seem to notice. he was alone, with a 200 pound creature sitting on him, about to eat him. without thinking he called: HELP!!!
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grabbed his radio and said, take a right from the gas station and go about 3 blocks down, you should see the jeep, and hurry please. It seems Lee found some company to play with!" He barked, setting his sniper in the window and aiming for the creature's head. "Eat shit zombie maggot!" He shouted, popping the creature's head like a grape. He then leaned his head towards the gap and shouted. "Lee, get in here now!" He drew the bolt on his sniper and turned, seeing the complex still empty.
  18. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Hearing about Lee, Craig swore again. He turned to the others with him.

    "Ok we need to move NOW!" he looked at the two he appointed as gunners. "You need to cover our asses, I'm counting on you guys to get us to the camp in one piece. older new guy," he said to the kid they picked up in the last town, "Get a move on and carry the goods with me, eh!" He handed out extra ammo to the gunners. "Take these just in case."
  19. Key King

    Key King Member

    The thing's head exploded all over Lee. Yuck! he yelled, pushing the thing off him. It was heavier than his team-mates. that thought reminded him of the first battle. He was only a reserve unit, but they called him in. he had been on a vacation. he remembered saying goodbye, for the last time. he thought of flying over the battle, watching the army be overrun. he had flown away in the chopper quickly,after seeing no survivors. he and his co-pilot had landed, well crashed, because of fuel.He had remembered his partner's cries for help as he was swarmed. Lee had been scared and ran. Now because of that he made sure that he would never run from a fight again.He came back to reality when he heard will yelling.then he realized that the bandage had fallen of his arm. or rather, torn off. he wouldn't cover anything now, and definately not his arm. time for the others to know the truth. he sheathed his knife, picked up the gun and walked towards the building, with his arm uncovered for the first time in a week.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2011
  20. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Jennifer looked around and saw an abandoned FedEx truck. She quickly hopped in the front seat and started messing around with the electrical cords. Atleast 5 minutes later the truck revved into full power. "Everyone! Hop in the back!" She yelled as she lifted the hatchet to the back of the truck. "Keep shooting while I drive." Jennifer said as she got into the front seat again. This time, we'll do it my way. But just this once. Jennifer thought with a grin on her face.

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