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Zombie Apocolypse!!! (actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by TheKnightofAwesome, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will heard Craig and spun, shouting back. "Upstairs Craig, I have a few more rooms to check." He then started towards the next room, putting his hand on the door handle and pausing. He wondered what else he might find in these rooms. What could the government have been keeping here this whole time? What secrets will he find? All these thoughts ran through his mind. But as he shook his head to forget them he tightened his grip on the shotgun and entered the next room.
  2. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Craig followed the sound of Will's voice. On investigation of the open rooms, Craig saw the bloody mess in each room in his ear he heard Gryphon whimper.

    My God...What the hell happened here!?! he thought. "Will, what the hell is this? did you find more Zombies? did you kill them?" he asked out loud. He led the others into the third room where Will was. "Will, we should get back to the camp. We have time to figure this out later, but right now, it's almost night. we need to get into position for the watch. And more importantly, we need to get Hikaru, and Lee back..." he turned around. "and where the sam hell is Antonio?" looking at the tracer Lee had recovered, he saw that Antonio, Lee and Hikaru were in/on the building next door.

    "Damn, Will radio them to get back in here before the Zombies come out."
  3. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lee spun around. "Antonio! No! I would never! Don't ever think that! I've got this chopper ready for us! we should all be able to get outta here in it! this is our ticket out! It's loaded to the landing gear! With this we can make it! we can cover a loooot of distance without worrying abot zombies. Luckily i know how to fly it! It's got a full tank now! He threw the backpack in the back. it has a cargo hold underneath. He smiled and put his arm around Antonio, let's go." he said, walking down towards the bunker.
  4. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Antonio pushed Lee away. He barely knew the guy, and he was pissed.

    "What's his problem!? He's insane!" Antonio thought.

    "Nice try. You're only saying that because I'm here. You were about to abandon the others. I barely met you people and you're all already having problems! Are you kidding me!? Are you just gonna leave them all to die!?" Antonio shouted.
  5. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will nodded and looked at Craig. I'll finish up here. Head downstairs and set up." He said to Craig, opening the third door and stepping inside. He noticed first that there was a dead body in the corner, but it's skin had an odd flush to it. It looked feverish. He then cued his radio. Antonio, Lee, and Hikaru, return to base ASAP. If you are not back in 5 minutes then we start night watch without you and the doors WILL be locked." He said, looking again at the body leaning against the bookshelf. He noticed 3 things about the room. The bloodspattered bookshelf, the body leaning against the bookshelf with what looked like 7 bulletholes in it's chest, and a filing cabinet in the opposite corner. "Odd..." He breathed.
  6. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    "odd how?" asked Craig, he had started to go downstairs when he heard Will speak out. upon seeing the room he saw what Will meant. He handed Gryphon to Jennifer, and traded the sniper for her shotgun. he pumped cocked the gun and stood next to Will.

    "Jennifer, I'm going to stay with Will, you take the tracer and keep an eye on Antonio, Lee and Hikaru, start the setup without us, we'll be down in a second." Jennifer left without a word and the others followed.

    "Will, don't get too close to that body over there, I don't like the look of it. But maybe there's some information in the file cabnet, I'll cover your back you check the files. but make it quick lockdown is soon, we'd best get to the others before then."
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will nodded, stepping towards the cabinet and opening the top drawer. As he opened it he saw candidates for the government project. "Candidate 4: Lee?" He breathed, flipping open the manilla folder. As he saw the picture he looked back at Craig. "Craig, look at this..." He said, barely finishing his sentence as he realized what was odd about the body. It. Had. Claws. As Will liftid the shotgun and shouldered it a low growl came from the body.
  8. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lee saw hikaru. Lee, hearing will's call grabbed the hand of hikaru and he ran, he got to base, before slamming,and locking the door. he drew his colt and pushed antonio into a chair. "SIT DOWN." said Lee loudly and gruffly. he stared at Antonio angrily. "If you pull something like that again, i might not grab you. I hsve no intentions of leaving without this team. I'd just die anyways..."He broke a chair, and used the wood to make a small barricade on the main door. It would help to hold out zombies, and could e easily torn down at the end of the night. He walked up to Craig and Wiil, just as the zombie rose...
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2011
  9. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Antonio heard the radio and decided to listen. He spoke to Lee first.

    "Fine. Do whatever you want. I hope karma comes back at you for leaving us. Sure, I may have just joined the group, but I can tell we all would rather survive together. Think about it," Antonio said. He then rand to the edge of the roof and jumped off. He was close to the wall. When he was about to hit the ground, he kicked himself from the wall to move straight. He then soon landed on the ground to the point where he could run. He ran back to where everyone was and went inside,"
  10. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Hikaru was tense "I can tell...something big is coming..." Hikaru ejected and refilled his AA-12's magazine. "We have to conserve our current supplies..." he said loading the refilled magazine. "The zombies are incredibly stupid...so they'll come at us at full force...meaning we should camp here for a while...clear a path...Head outside...and I think we might have a chance to hotwire a car...I saw a armored banking truck..." He said starting to sharpen his katana then continued. "We ram with the truck until it's out of gas..." he paused thinking a little bit more about how exactly to prepare and continue after ramming with the truck.
  11. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Inside the thrid room of the third floor, Craig spun around. He saw the Zombie rise up again and bare his evil claws. Craig pulled back down his shot gun and unloaded a few rounds into the beasts chest. The Zombie went down, but It once again got back up.

    "Holy shit! This thing is different! Will Don't Stop fireing get it down again." Will did as he was told and together they shot the Zombie down again. thinking quickly Craig leaped into the air and brought his heel back down onto the Zombie's head, crushing it into green ooze. The body figited for a second the flopped back down, finally dead for good.

    "That thing was "living" proof that these things are changing. Will he'd better get out of here soon, but we can't leave now while it's still dark. we will still need to speand the night here. give me that file, we're taking it with us. Let's get back to the others we need to get those three back here then start lockdown."
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at Craig as he inserted shells into the shotgun. "Craig, the thing was faster than the others, plus it just took almost six shotgun shells to the chest and still stood. There's something important up here, I know it. Give me some more time up here, I'll be down soon ok?" He asked, looking over the body and the new wounds that now almost tore the body apart. He also looked over at the bookcase and back to the filing cabinet. "I'll radio if there's a problem." He said, continuing to examine the room.
  13. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lee looked around everything seemed fine...everyone was accounted for...he looked out a crack in the now lightly-barricade door. 6 or 7 zombies were outside...nothing major. he would tell craig about the helicopter. he took off the backpack and set it on the table. it got pretty heavy. he loaded and cocked his colt, cleaned and sharpened his knife, and sheathed them both. he looked through the bag, and findin the other colt he had picked up, loaded it, turned safety on, and put it back. he did the same to the other weapons he had picked up. he sat on an old torn up phyciatrist-looking futon, couch-thingie that had sat there since the base was founded, set his side pack on the floor be side him, and looked at it. it had all of his ID, and bullets, and all the good stuff. he laid down, and felt himself getting very sleepy. he finally dozed off, snoring lightly, he hadn't slept in days.
  14. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Hikaru pulled out his radio "Hey Craig come in, I'm going to head to your location..." he said sheathing his katana and having his AA-12 ready. He walked out with his flashlight looking around he saw a room with a sign saying "Lab 669" he slowly opened it up and walked in he looked around through cabinets he found and unloaded pump action shotgun. As he slipped it into his backpack he looked at several large test tubes and saw a huge shadow in one of the tanks, he got a closer look and gasped. "...An armored zombie...what the fuck is up with this place..." he ran up to grains location and radioed him at the same time. "Craig I got bad news and good news !"
  15. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: here it is...the Ejection Post! I will control the entire scene which means I will control all characters in play for this one giant post. only the ones who need to be ejected will die. no one else. aferward, play will continue from where I left off. you will regain control after this post.

    IC: Craig went down the stairs and joined the others.

    "Something weird is happening here." he said. just then his radio went off. it was a call from Hikaru, when Craig got the maeesage he ordered Hikaru to hide and to not engage the armored Zombie, he also but out a call to Antonio and Lee to return now. The three did as they were told and rejoined Craig and the others.

    Upstairs Will searched the last room. Inside he found cases of military issue syringes, some willed with green fluid others with blue, when he called in this information Craig told him to bring down as much of the blue syringes as he could carry. and to destroy the green ones. Will set fire to the green syringes and doused the flame when they were destroyed. He returned to the camp in a few trips back he had retrieved 20 cases with hundreds of syringes filled the blue fluid. as was said before Craig and Antonio took first watch. Craig looked at his team, Jennifer, Mark, Jordan, Gryphon, Lee, Hikaru, and Will all slept silently. just then the armored Zombie came into view. behind him came a huge wave of Zombies, some among them looked like the one Will and Craig took down earlier.

    "SHIT! WAKE UP!!!! THEY"RE COMING!!!!!" yelled Craig. "We have to get to the armored cars!" he yelled. Antonio and Lee informed him that there was a helicopter on the roof of the next building and they could use it as air support while they tried to get away. Craig agrred and sent Mark, Jordan Lee and Antonio out to get it. The rest ran down to the cars. Craig held Gryphon and also held his own shotgun in front of him. Will used his sniper rifle to take out some Zombies while Jennifer stayed next to Craig. they all ran like hell. More Zombies than any of them had ever seen encircled the compound. Craig and his team managed to get to the car, Craig quite literally threw Gryphon into the car and let Jennifer buckle him into the complex strapping system. Craig took the wheel and Will and Hikaru gave gun support, Hikaru took the side passenger seat and shot in from of the car while Will used his sniper to cover from the openable roof.

    Meanwhile Antonio, Lee, Mark and Jordan were in the next building with a hoard of Zombies chasing them. as they reacked the second floor both Antonio and Jordan tripped on a pipeline. with the Zombies chasing after them Lee had to choose. he yelled for Mark to grab Jordan, while he got Antonio to his feet.

    "You...you came back for me?" Antonio asked as they ran.

    "Everytime!" said Lee. they looked back as Mark and Jordan were swarmed by the Zombies and disappeared out of sight.

    "NOOO!!!!!" yelled Lee. he tried to go back but Antonio stopped him. "It's too late to save them! we have to get to the helicopter!" Lee nodded in grim sadness and ran to the roof with Antonio. they reached the helicopter and Lee took off while Antonio took gunner position the Zombies swarmed the roof and Antonio blasted them away with the machine gun, among the Zombies he saw that Mark and Jordan had joined the undead rakns. he looked away as he shot them to nothingness. "I'm sorry" he mouthed as he put them out of their misery.

    Craig drove like a bat out of hell to get out of the city. with Antonio and Lee giving air support they were out of the city limits, and danger, in no time. soon the helicopter ran out of gas and Lee and Antonio had to join them in the armored car. they explained what had happened and Craig said "Damn, We'll at least you two got out of there....I guess that's all we can say.
  16. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lee was silent. "They were good men. he said, "both of them. I could've saved them. I know it! He balled his fists and looked at the team. No one else dies, got it? you die and i'll, i'll, oh i dunno, just live, okay?! he swore and leaned against the seat. he couldn't sleep and probably never would again. They took my comrades, my family, and now those two...but they're not getting anyone else. I'm gonna make sure of that." he turned away, and closed his eyes, still unable to rest.
  17. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    "No matter what happens next we still have the firepower, teamwork, and supplies to get out of this alive..." Hikaru said in a determined voice. "Right now instead of sulking we need to survey what supplies we have..." if I'm correct there's a police station near by...we should stop by there and salvage everything we could...we won't let our sacrafices go to waste..."
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2011
  18. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "Craig, Will, what the hell happened here!? Those weren't ordinary zombies! Those fuckers were fast and had claws! What the hell is going on!?" Antonio shouted.

    "That made no sense. They only walked! Something's not right here. I bet Lee knows something as well," he thought.
  19. Key King

    Key King Member

    I agree with antonio, i wasn't aware that there were more kinds of zombies! only normal ones! what were those things? and did you know anything about that?! His sidepack had been stocked with syringes, and he stabbed himself. he looked at craig. he yelled at himself inside. craig wouldn't have done anything or known anything about this...Lee himself would be the one to know the most...
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will shook his head, eyeing the others as he reloaded his sniper. "The only thing I know is I found a file saying that the ones with claws and red skin are known as Crimson Heads. They are killed zombies that were not decapitated and mutated into a second reanimation. They are faster, stronger, and obviously have claws. I only know what the file told me." He said, drawing the colt he found in the lab and loading it, drawing the slide back after he had inserted bullets into the mag.

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