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Zombie Apocolypse!!! (actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by TheKnightofAwesome, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Craig wasn't sure what really to say, he had always tried not to get too attached to anyone on the team. Not even Lee, but the loss of Mark and Jordan had a wierd effect on him. They were people that, even briefly, he had shared a part of his life with. He couldn't help but get a little misty eyed but he composed himself before the others could see.

    "That file also had information on the super soldier program that Lee was made part of. If I'm right, then that city was the birthplace of this living hell we're now stuck in. I also think that those "crimson heads or whatever, are only the beginning. we need to be prepared for whatever comes next." The police station came into view just as Hikaru said. Craig pulled over and scouted the place, then called over the others to say it was all clear. Inside they raided the stock room for more ammunition and the break room for extra water.

    Craig noticed a file that was covered in blood so carefully he approached the cabnet and opened one of the drawers. Inside there were files labeled "TOP SECRET" so he looked inside. the file had case reports on ivestigations made on the building they were just inside of.

    "Lee! come here, you need to see this." called Craig. "Will you should see this too!" The others looked up in curiosity but Craig told them to go back to gathering supplies. Jennifer led the others back to the armored car once they had the suppklies they needed, Leaving Craig alone with Lee and Will.

    "There's more to the story...." said Craig. "I think more than just our friendly neighborhood mad scientists were in on this program Lee was in. Look..." he showed them the file, which read about a case of stolen green syringes. the police on this case had suspected an inside job, and that the syringes had been traced to a remote location in the US. however, five of the syringes could not be recovered. the rest had been destroyed. "If this is true, then those syringes either still exist or they have infected five more people, if left unchecked, they could have evolved into something far worse than those Crimson Heads we ran into. In the prior is true then we need to find those syringes and get rid of them. We should also try to contact the evacuation team in Washington to tell them about what we found."
  2. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    It had all been a blur of rotting flesh, shouting, and bullets to Gryphon, whose tears had only now just caught up with him. Not even burying his face in his teddy bear could contain his wailing, no matter how he tried. He went into the station and picked up what supplies he could, miniscule compared to what the others were carrying, and went back with Jennifer to the cars. He went up to Jennifer and Hikaru, still crying and sniffling, "We aren't gonna make it, are we?" he asked between tears.
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Antonio gathered as much ammo as his pockets as he could carry. He had an advantage over everyone else since he had pockets from his sweater. He grabbed 10 bottled of water and a pop he found. He brought everything to the care and put them on the floor in the back seat. Shortly after he was done, he heard a noise coming from the side of the police station. He slowly turned the corner to see 5 zombies walking toward him.

    "Shit!" Antonio said to himself. He unsheethed both his Katanas and cut the heads off of all five zombies, being nearly bit by one. "Dammit, this is getting dangerous. They're getting harder to kill each time." Antonio didn't see anything else, and before he went back in, he looked all around and only saw one zombie, but it was way off in the distance. He then went to where Craig, Will, and Lee were. "Guys, we can't stay for long. It seems there're still zombies around here. I just killed five of them, and I was nearly bit by one of them. They're getting too difficult to handle alone, by the looks of it. We shouldn't stay here too long," Antonio said, drinking the pop he found.
  4. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will held his sniper by the barrel with his left hand as he saw a normal zombie striding towards Antonio. As he drew the pistol in his coat he unloaded 3 shots into the zombie's head. He then flicked the safety back on and looked over to Craig and Lee. "We need to start fighting smarter, not harder. Burn any bodies that we can't kill with headshots. We each need to start carrying flasks of gas and lighters. And more firearms. Anything that will make survival easier. We also need to be able to regroup if separated. And everyone needs to know how to be self-sufficient. Know how to find food and kill zombies." he said, looking between the two for a sign of agreement.
  5. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    "Agreed, this is a police station so we may be able to find spare firearms here. The four of us should split into two teams search quickly and meet at the armored car in five minuets. I'll go with Lee." Craig started down the hall to the left with Lee following him.

    He also radioed Jennifer. "Jennifer, we're searching for spare fire arms, you, Hikaru and Gryphon are to stay in the car no matter what. We'll be out in five minuets and head out to the next state. See you then."

    At the other end Jennifer acknowledged Craig's call, then went back to trying to calm down Gryphon who was still crying into his teddy bear. No Zombies were in sight, and she hoped it stayed that way.
  6. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Antonio agreed and began to search with Will. He went into the back and saw a gun case slightly cracked open. He fully opened to find some pistols and three sniper rifles.

    "What crappy snipers. The police should've upgraded years ago," Antonio said to himself. As he spoke, a zombie began to move from the corner next to the case and grabbed his foot, about to bite his leg. Antonio quickly unsheethed his right katana and sliced it's head off, nearly hitting Will as well. Antonio then stabbed it's brain. cleaning the blood off, he sheethed it again. "Sneaky little shit...Will, let's bring these guns back to the car."
  7. Key King

    Key King Member

    "Hold on." said Lee, still terrified from the report. he set down the backpack and unzipped it. "It's full of military issue pistols. they're loaded and ready." he walked over to a dead officer and retrieved a shotgun. handed craig a colt from the bag. he loaded the 12 gauge, and used the strap to hang it on his back. he walked over to a minifridge and popped a bud. he needed it.
  8. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    The teams retrieved the new guns and returned to the armored car. Craig drove on and the guns were distributed. Craig suggested to Lee that he keep some syringes in his side pack at all times, and replenish the supply regularly. No need to get to close to "death". He drove for a few more hours then came across a sign that read "Welcome to Nevada" except "Nevada" had been crossed out and someone had written "Hell" underneath it.

    "We made it to the next state guys. We're getting closer!" said Craig excitedly.
  9. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Antonio sat in the car and thought. Whether they were close or closer, it was still a long ways away.

    "No matter how close we get, it's gonna take weeks. The thing I don't get is, there's barely as many zombies while we drive. However, I'm sure it'll be hell if we drive through Vegas," Antonio said. He then faced the window. "By the way, can we stop somewhere in Illinois? It's where I was born. I have extra Katanas there, and my friends might've left some of their guns at their places."
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at the duffel he grabbed. 3 pistols, a few boxes of ammunition, and a jacket for one of the little kids. The station had already been cleaned. And with the snipers that were there they seemed to have very poor firearms. But the pistols were another Colt .45, a Beretta M92FS, and an H&K USP .45. As Will drew the USP he replaced the Colt in his jacket with it, dropping the Colt into the bag and sliding the USP into his jacket. As he looked out the window he realized they were in Nevada. It meant they had a long ways to go.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2011
  11. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    (OOC: r we all in the same car???? as in do we only have one car?)
    Gryphon had calmed down that he didn't make any noise aside from a few sniffles, albeit his eyes were still teary. He was a bit intimidated by the silence in the car, save to everyone loading their guns and sharpening their bladed weapons. He looked out the window and turned to the others, "Where is Nevada?" he asked, he had no knowledge of geography, "And what's Vegas? Is it bad?"
  12. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: yes only one Armored Car.

    IC: "Nevada, is at the other end of the country from where we're going. It will take us a while to get there, but, we'll get there. one day. And about Vegas...yea depending on your luck it's either the best or the absolute worst place to go to. sometimes it's both!" Craig chuckled at his own bad joke. "we'll only stop if we need supplies. Zombies won't attack on the road because they tend to stick in cities. so we should be fine until we have to pull over."
  13. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "Don't test yor luck, Craig," Antonio said. "Though it's been that way, remember, the zombies are getting smarter and stronger. And faster. Hopefully Vegas isn't like the Dead Rising 2 game." Antonio looked back out the window. "In any case, you didn't answer my question. If we go to Illinois, I know one of my friends has guns at his place, and I have two katanas and a dagger at home. As well as that, I know where a gun shop is. I went there once before. they got Ak47s, RPGs, grenades, you name it. They even have katanas there as well. We'll be able to restock on weapons and ammo there."
  14. Key King

    Key King Member

    "My vote goes to just heading for D.C." he looked outside and watched a survivor, armed with a hunting rifle, blast a few zombie heads. the man ran after the van as a spider-zombie landed ontop of him. there was a gunshot, and the man and zombie lay motionless. Lee swore, he thought the man might make it. "I have a friend in Vegas." said Lee, "He's a cop, so there's a chance he made it. We have to stop! He knows a lot about what's been going on. That and i promised i'd help him when this whole thing started..."
  15. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Craig wasn't happy about need for a possible stop let alone in Vegas. It was one of the most populated cities in the States. There were bound to be plenty of Zombies there.

    "I don't think it's such a good Idea Lee..." he said. "I see no benefit for us to stop in Vegas. There's possibilites for supplies, yes, but we've only been on the road for a few hours. We don't need to stop yet, and a place as packed with people as Vegas will only be un-necessarily dangerous for us. We have to think about ourselves in this world Lee, i know it's not easy, but in a situation like this, you and the ones currently with you are the most important. Besides we don't need a bigger team, we have enough people as it is."
  16. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Craig wasn't happy about need for a possible stop let alone in Vegas. It was one of the most populated cities in the States. There were bound to be plenty of Zombies there.

    "I don't think it's such a good Idea Lee..." he said. "I see no benefit for us to stop in Vegas. There's possibilites for supplies, yes, but we've only been on the road for a few hours. We don't need to stop yet, and a place as packed with people as Vegas will only be un-necessarily dangerous for us. We have to think about ourselves in this world Lee, i know it's not easy, but in a situation like this, you and the ones currently with you are the most important. Besides we don't need a bigger team, we have enough people as it is."
  17. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "That's why we should go to Elgin, Illinois. I know the whole area, and the gun shop isn't that far from it. We can easily navigate through it," Antonio explained. "It's not filled with as many people in Vegas. In fact, it's very underpopulated. It shouldn't be as much trouble if I take lead, we'll be fine."

    "Besides, there's someone I miss, and I'm worried she might not've made it."
  18. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    As Gryphon watched every thing unfold, he decided to turn around and just look out the window. He saw a highway sign indicating places to eat and sleep. He saw the McDonald's symbol on it and he felt his stomach rumble. He checked one of the bags and found nothing but guns and ammo. Disappointed, he just sat back down with teddy bear in hand, as his stomach growled louder.
  19. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lee looked at Gryphon and smiled. the fact that a small boy could survive gave him hope. he scrounged through his bag, before pulling out a small bag of doritos. he glanced at hose in the backseat with him, before pulling out a few more. He handed one to every person in the group, there were lays, fritos, funyuns, the works! "Vending Machines." he said. "Gotta love em'!" he munched silently on his cheetos, only now realizing how hungry he was.
  20. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Craig was a little puzzled
    "What happened to the food we secured at the gas station?" he asked the others. "I thought we grabbed it when we left the last city."

    Jennifer searched the rest of the car but she was only able to find one of the bags they had filled with food.

    "Sonofabitch," muttered Craig "looks like we may need to stop after all."

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